The ABB Enforcement Action from a UK Perspective

Jonathan Armstrong and Tom Fox return for another episode of the award-winning Life with GDPR. In this episode, we discuss the recent ABB Foreign Corrupt Practices Act resolution. Jonathan considers the ABB enforcement action from the UK perspective and opines how a UK judge might consider the company’s recidivism differently than the DOJ did.

Some of the highlights include:

1.     What were the facts?

2.     How would UK court’s view recidivist behavior under the UK Bribery Act?

3.     Where was the SFO?

4.     What is the status of the investigation in Germany?


For more information on the issues raised in this podcast, check out the Cordery Compliance, News Section. For more information on Cordery Compliance, go their website here. Also check out the GDPR Navigator, one of the top resources for GDPR Compliance by clicking here.

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