The Digital Twin and P&L of One

How can you use the tools of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data analytics in a best practices compliance program. Vincent M. Walden, a partner at Alvarez and Marsal (A&M), wrote an article entitled “Profit & Loss-of-One (P&L-of-One) where he detailed how he and his then colleagues at Ernest & Young (EY) worked in conjunction with the General Electric (GE) compliance function to “improve compliance by using forensic data analytics to provide behavioral insights to their compliance program.” They did this through the innovative use of “digital twins” which Walden described as “digital replicas of physical assets that organizations can use for multiple purposes such as the maintenance of power generation equipment, jet engines and heavy machinery.
The innovation demonstrated through the P&L-of-One shows how the digital transformation of compliance through true operationalization will not only burn compliance into the fabric of an organization but illustrates how more robust compliance can make a company run more efficiently and, at the end of the day, more profitably. Walden concludes by stating, “The compliance vision of the future seeks to further move compliance towards a more proactive, advocacy role, which helps organizations by providing needed communications, trainings and responses in an automated, intriguing and relevant fashion. This is the compliance vision of the future and what the authors call the P&L-of-One.”
Three Key Takeaways:

  1. The inspiration of this innovation in compliance came from manufacturing.
  2. Test through a pilot program.
  3. Making your messaging automated, intriguing and relevant.


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