The Early Days of AMI

In this episode, I welcome back Vin DiCianni, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and founder of AMI. We discuss the early days of AMI. DiCianni drew as inspiration for AMI, a number of special Commissions that were created by New York City to address improprieties by construction contractors in building public schools in New York City. Out of those Commissions arose the concept of Independent Private Sector Inspector General (IPSIG) and the model was to bring accounting, legal, and engineering skills into the oversight of construction contractors who were about to lose a contract because of some type of violation of the terms of the contract. This IPSIG model was used to provide oversight for these contractors so that the buildings needed could get built. However, this IPSIG model was very intrusive, with the monitor literally in the back pocket of the contractor reviewing accounting records, engineering drawing and contracts on an almost continuous basis. DiCianni envisioned a less intrusive, more collaborative model. Yet he noted it took time to convince all the relevant parties, the regulators, defense counsel and companies of the effectiveness of this approach. He said there were three key factors in this process.
They were (1) to convince the regulators that a truly independent monitor not only had advantages but would work; (2) many government agencies and state oversight boards did not want to put the licensed companies and persons out of business because the government and people in a state needed the services; and (3) economic pressures which caused cut-backs to funding and the regulators simply did not have the head count to fulfill the oversight role that an independent monitor can perform. DiCianni was able to answer these questions and others; all of which helped in the formation and growth of AMI.
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