The Ethics and Compliance Library: Blind Spots

In episode 1 of the Ethics and Compliance Library, we will analyze Blind Spots by Ann Tenbrunsel and Max Bazerman.
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Blind Spots explores behavioral ethics from the individual, organizational, and societal levels, setting up a framework for evaluating decisions, morals, and the world around us. The book kicks off by asking readers to evaluate their ethicality compared to others on a scale of 1 to 100. If we aggregated all the scores each of this podcast’s listeners gave themselves, studies show we would average higher than 50, even though the average should be 50. This alerts us to blind spots that exist in our ethicality.
Through an interview with Dr. Ann Tenbrunsel herself as well as an interview with thought leader, Philip Winterburn of Convercent, we will begin to uncover what those blind spots are, why they exist, and how we move beyond them. Listeners can expect to better understand the framework laid out in Blind Spots and have some actionable take-aways for how to implement that framework at the three levels.
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Get the Book:  
Blind Spots

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