The Role of Digital Platforms in Human Trafficking with Lisa Thee

Lisa Thee is the Data for Good Practice Lead at Launch Consulting Group. She is CEO at AMP Solutions, where she provides advising, consulting, and strategy services for businesses. She also serves on the board of directors and as an advisory board member for several organizations, and is a TEDx Speaker. Lisa joins host Gwen Hassan to discuss the evolution of digital safety, and the role of digital platforms in both the persistence and end of human trafficking.

Digital platforms have been used as a vehicle for recruiting victims of human trafficking and/or child sexual exploitation, in part due to the absence of standards and regulations for digital safety. There isn’t a strong business incentive to do the right thing in terms of trust and safety, Lisa claims, because it opposes shareholder value and growing your audience. “I think we’re finally at a place as a society where we’re ready to [abandon leveraging] our next generation’s mental and physical health to maintain the status quo,” she says.
However, a delicate balance must be struck; making adjustments to trust and safety will directly impact privacy, and vice versa. There is no one-and-done method to solving this problem, as it has never been about technology, but instead, ethics. On a related note, advocating for compliance and ethics from a financial standpoint promotes a win-win scenario for business and for the greater good.
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