The Uses of an ESG Culture Assessment with Jay Rosen

Tom Fox is chatting with Jay Rosen in this week’s ESG Report. They discuss the critical factors involved in aligning your company culture with your ESG strategy.  

What is Culture? 
ESG considerations have been taking center stage and are now critical for sustainable success. However, a key area organizations may overlook when planning their ESG strategy is culture, which refers to the way things get done within an organization, comprising norms, beliefs, and behaviors that determine how people show up at work. 
How to Shift Company Culture 
“Getting culture right is essential for any successful transformation,” Jay says. Investing heavily in ESG-friendly structures, workforce strategies, and governance models only do so much, but the real change lies in educating the company around the goals of ESG, aligning hearts and minds. 
Jay points out that few people are prepared to alter their attitudes and beliefs simply because senior management tells them they should. Leaders are therefore required to give people a say in culture change and make it clear to everyone in the organization why the change matters, and how it allows them to meet consumer and societal needs better. 
What Makes Up the Right ESG Culture? 
If a company says they’re all about ESG, then they need to show it. Internal company policies, processes, and cultures must align with their external communications. Correct behaviors can include things as little as carrying a reusable water bottle, using public transport, or avoiding unnecessary printing; these can all enhance your credibility as a leader of an ESG program. “Any sustainable change starts with a culture and mindset shift,” Jay tells Tom. 
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Jay Rosen | LinkedIn

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