The Wirecard Saga – The Duality Of It All and Binary Options

In special podcast series, I am joined by Mikhail Reider-Gordon, Managing Director of Institutional Ethics & Integrity at Affiliated Monitors. Mikhail’s areas of expertise include technology, privacy, cybersecurity, IP and accountability in artificial intelligence; the global anti-corruption and anti-money laundering regimes; media & entertainment; biotech and the life sciences; the public sector and international law. She is accustomed to working on extremely sensitive and high-profile matters, both nationally and internationally. In this episode, we how Wirecard used binary options to facilitate its massive fraud.

Some of the highlights include:
·       Weekly news wrap-up on Wirecard
·       Austrian BVT and the largest intelligence scandal for Austria since WWII.
·       Was Jan Marsalek a BBT agent, asset or fellow traveler?
·       What is the IMS Capital connection?
·       Enter a Russia/Turkey connection.
·       BaFin’s right hand cannot find its left hand.
·       Never buy a binary option in a dark alley.

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