Trekking Through Compliance – Episode 2 – Charlie X

In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider Charlie X, which aired on September 15, 1966, Star Date 1533.6.


After receiving a distress call from a science party on Camus II exploring the ruins of a dead civilization, the Enterprise rushes to assistance. All members of the party appear to be dead except the leader, Dr. Janice Lester, and the medical officer, Dr. Arthur Coleman. According to Dr. Coleman, Lester is suffering from some unknown sort of radiation poisoning.

However, when the rest of the Enterprise landing party goes to aid a dying science party member and leaves Kirk and Lester alone, she activates an alien device she has discovered and exchanges bodies with Kirk. Lester is driven by jealousy and a persecution complex and complains to Kirk about the agony of being a woman. Lester-as-Kirk orders everyone to be beamed about and takes over the role of Kirk.

Lester-as-Kirk removes Bones as chief medical officer and installs Dr. Coleman, a former starship doctor who has been found incompetent by the Starfleet Surgeon General, in his place. Dr. Coleman attempts to prevent Kirk (in Dr. Lester’s body) from interacting with the crew by sedating her, but she escapes to the sick bay to talk to Bones and Spock. However, Lester-as-Kirk is also waiting for a physical examination ordered by McCoy. He proceeds to knock Kirk-as-Lester out and orders her to be put in isolation and incommunicado.

Spock suspects something amiss and speaks to (the real) Kirk in solitary confinement. At Kirk’s request, Spock does a Vulcan mind probe and discovers the truth. Spock tries to escape with the real Kirk but is stopped by Lester-as-Kirk and security guards. This leads to a court-martial trial for Spock. Spock puts Kirk (in Lester’s body) on the stand and testifies that Kirk’s mind is in her body.

In the meantime, Sulu and Chekov refuse to obey Lester-as-Kirk’s orders, and Kirk and Lester experience a temporary reversion of minds. To prevent reversion, Coleman informs Lester-as-Kirk that Lester must be killed. However, Coleman is too late carrying out the task, and Kirk’s and Lester’s minds revert to their appropriate bodies.


The episode explores the story of Charlie Evans, a young man with dangerous telekinetic powers, and draws parallels to modern compliance and mental health issues. Tom discusses the responsibilities that come with power, the importance of training and supervision, handling unpredictable behavior, clear communication, crisis management, and addressing misconduct. He also reflects on recent real-world events, such as the Uvalde school shooting and the challenges of addressing mental health in compliance programs.

Key Highlights

  • Episode Summary: Charlie X
  • Charlie’s Troubling Behavior
  • Thematic Analysis and Real-World Parallels
  • Compliance Lessons from Charlie X


Excruciatingly Detailed Plot Summary by Eric W. Weisstein

Memory Alpha

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