
Trekking Through Compliance – Episode 20 – Compliance Lessons from Court Martial

In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode Court Martial, which aired on February 2, 1967, with a Star Date of 2947.3.

Story Synopsis

After sustaining severe damage in an ion storm, the Enterprise is forced to seek repairs at Starbase 11, where Commodore Stone investigates the death of records officer Ben Finney, who died in the storm. Stone finds it was Kirk’s negligence that led to Finney’s death. A trial ensues, and Kirk’s former flame, Ariel Shaw, is the prosecuting attorney. Kirk seeks the services of attorney Samuel T. Cogley.

Spock discovers something amiss in the Enterprise’s program bank after he beats the computer five times, even though its program should not be capable of losing. Recognizing the computer has been tampered with, they find Finney and Kirk’s record is cleared, and Samuel Cogley takes on a new case: defending Finney.


In this episode of ‘Trekking Through Compliance,’ host Tom Fox explores the compliance lessons learned from the ‘Star Trek’ original series episode ‘Court Martial.’ Featuring the trial of Captain Kirk for an alleged violation during an ion storm, the episode delves into themes of due process, conflicts of interest, evidence preservation, and the role of expert testimony in compliance investigations. Tom draws parallels between the show’s narrative and key compliance principles such as transparency, accountability, and whistleblower protections, providing insightful takeaways for compliance professionals.

Key Highlights

  • The Incident at Starbase 11
  • Kirk’s Court Martial Begins
  • Spock’s Discovery and the Final Verdict
  • Compliance Lessons from Court Martial


Excruciatingly Detailed Plot Summary by Eric W. Weisstein

Memory Alpha

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