Ulysses at 100-Lessons for the 21st Century Compliance Professional- Molly Bloom

Matt Kelly once challenged me to write a blog post for Bloomsday. Well aware of my great love for Joyce’s magnum opus, I accepted the challenge. This year is the 100th anniversary of the publication of the book. To celebrate this event, James Joyce’s novel at 100 and the compliance profession, I have decided to do a 5-part podcast series on Ulysses. Over this podcast series, I will highlight some of the books and commentary and tie what Joyce, Dublin, Leopold Bloom and his wife Molly, together with his mentor Stephen Daedalus, can teach the modern compliance professional. I hope you will join me in the short celebration and trip through Dublin 1904 for the 100th anniversary of Bloomsday. In this Part 4 of this 5-part podcast series, we consider the chapter involving Molly Bloom and use her story to explore the 21st-century compliance professional.

Compliance Quote-Mary Shirley “I love working in that area because sometimes there’s no clear answer or even good answer. That keeps you on your toes and requires a skill set different from what is required to be a successful lawyer.”


The Teaching Compliance-James Joyce Ulysses, by James Heffernan

The Politicians Who Love Ulysses by Kevin Dettmar

“Ulysses” and the Moral Right to Pleasure by Dan Chiasson in the New Yorker

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