Ulysses at 100-Lessons for the 21st Century Compliance Professional- Stephen Daedalus

Matt Kelly once challenged me to write a blog post for Bloomsday. Well aware of my great love for Joyce’s magnum opus, I accepted the challenge. This year is the 100th anniversary of the publication of the book. To celebrate this event, James Joyce’s novel at 100 and the compliance profession, I have decided to do a 5-part podcast series on Ulysses. Over this podcast series, I will highlight some of the books and commentary and tie what Joyce, Dublin, Leopold Bloom and his wife Molly, together with his mentor Stephen Daedalus, can teach the modern compliance professional. I hope you will join me in the short celebration and trip through Dublin 1904 for the 100th anniversary of Bloomsday. In Part 3, we take up the story of Stephen Daedalus and how it intersects with the role of ethics in compliance.

Compliance Quote-Lisa Fine, “ I am passionate about compliance because I think compliance provides guidance on how to make ethical decisions and do the right thing. It helps us understand and think about gray areas and help organizations to be better corporate citizens.”


The Teaching Compliance-James Joyce Ulysses, by James Heffernan

The Moral of Ulysses by Charles Cosby

Ethics and the Modernist Subject in James Joyce’s “Ulysses,” Virginia Woolf’s “The Waves,” and Djuna Barnes’s “Nightwood” by AnnKatrin Jonsson

The Ethical Reader in Ulysses by Stephen Gilbert

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