Using Artificial Intelligence to Root Out Fraud and Insider Trading

In this episode, we discuss the rapidly expanding use of artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotic process automation to undertake trade surveillance and mitigate fraud. In this episode, we discuss the rapidly expanding use of artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotic process automation to undertake trade surveillance and mitigate fraud. Joining me today are two experts on the subject of Artificial intelligence from both the technical and legal and compliance perspectives.

Join us each week as we take a deep dive into the various forms of fraud across the world and discuss crime families, penny stock boiler rooms, international money launderers, narco-traffickers, oligarchs, dictators, war lords, kleptocrats and more.

Scott Moritz is a leading authority on white-collar crime, anti-corruption, and in the evaluation, design, remediation, implementation, and administration of corporate compliance programs, codes of conduct. He is also considered an authority in the establishment, training, and oversight of the investigative protocols carried out by financial intelligence, corporate security, and internal audit units.

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