Welcome Modern Medium to the Compliance Podcast Network

I am pleased to welcome to the Modern Medium Podcast to the Compliance Podcast Network! In this new podcast Paris Fox leads a discussion on about the tools, strategies, tactics, and possibilities in modern medium design. In our first episode, we’re exploring ideas: how they form, how they change, and how we might incorporate those ideas into graphic design. Every compliance practitioner should listen to this podcast to help improve their messaging with a sharp millennial point of view.
Episode 1-Introduction
The creative process and coming up with ideas
When you’re stuck in a creative rut, it’s difficult to know where to begin with an idea. Even when you dohave an idea, it’s easy to get caught up in what you think something is supposed to be or what it’s supposed to look like. So it’s an important part of the process to learn how to let go. Ideas can come from anywhere. You can think of anything as a base point and go from there with it. Think about what you knew before, think about what you know now, and think about how things have changed. This doesn’t have to go anywhere tangible; you can use this as a brainstorming exercise or mind map and take off from it.

Episode 2-Incorporating Time into Art

Thinking about time
Pick a sense, and spend 24 hours being fully aware of it. For example, what are the sounds that you experience when you go to class? As you go home? Or commute to work? Just begin to acknowledge the way you’re moving through time, because it’s easy not to think about. Documentation is also critical: it’s easy to experience and acknowledge these things, but how are you going to see how they’ve changed over time if you don’t document it?
On this episode of the Modern Medium Podcast, we’re exploring our senses: while it’s common for art to have visual and aural components, we don’t normally think about art in terms of smell, taste, or touch. But art is supposed to imitate life, and within life, we experience these all at once. How then can we make art a sensory experience?
On this episode of the Modern Medium Podcast, we are exploring barriers: might artists inadvertently create these barriers to their art? And how does this affect its experience? Barriers can be anything: a blind person who can’t see the art, or someone with a learning disability who might not understand the art in the way that it was intended. But they can still experience art in other ways that you might not expect, and so in this way, art can be accessible to anybody. It’s just a matter of creating that space.

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