What is a Corporate Monitorship?

What is the role of a corporate monitorship? Is a corporate monitorship to be feared if your company is in the middle of a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)? Can a monitor be used in a manner other than post-settlement, such as in a pro-active manner to help forestall a government enforcement action, fine or penalty? If your company is in the market for a monitor what are some of the indicia you should consider? Finally there are lots of rumors about the alleged exorbitant costs of monitorship? Is this an urban myth or is it based on facts? If the former, what can a company do to protect itself. I will explore these and many other questions in a new podcast series I am putting on sponsored by Affiliated Monitors, Inc. (AMI). In this podcast series, I am exploring the role of corporate monitorships in compliance and some of the key issues which companies and compliance professionals may face in dealing with monitors. I am joined in this exploration by Vincent DiCianni, founder and President of AMI. Today, we consider what is a corporate monitor?
For more information, visit Affiliated Monitors by clicking here.

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