Digital Assets: Trading & Compliance for Cryptocurrency
In this episode, Director of Registered Investment Company Services, Allison Fraser and Director of Broker-Dealer Services & Private Funds, John Gentile discuss the latest on digital assets and cryptocurrency. Are they considered securities, what does the SEC’s risk alert mean for digital assets, and how should investment managers be thinking about cryptocurrency trading and compliance?
About Our Guest Speakers:
E.J. Yerzak CISA®, CISM®, CRISC™ assists firms in assessing and managing their cybersecurity risk – from network vulnerability scanning and penetration testing to onsite cybersecurity assessments and assistance in implementing the NIST cybersecurity framework. E.J. has authored articles and alerts on emerging regulatory and technology issues, and is regularly requested to speak as a cybersecurity expert at industry conferences.

Mike Farrell is a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA®) and Certified Information Security Manager (CISM®), and Cybersecurity Consultant at CSS. He analyzes data and conducts cybersecurity risk assessments, policy gap analyses, vulnerability scanning and social engineering testing. His Information technology experience includes network installations and management, hardware and software configuration, and troubleshooting.