Why You Need an Executive Coach, a Conversation with With Jeff Nally

Compliance is widely seen as black and white, but this week’s guest argues that there is a lot of thinking, decision making and ways to innovate inside the compliance space. Jeff Nally is an executive coach who has spent the last fourteen years using neuroscience to help business leaders think differently, make better decisions, and spark ideas, innovation and insight in others.
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Jeff’s Approach to Coaching
Tom comments that using a brain-based approach seems antithetical to what lawyers generally do. He asks Jeff to describe his coaching method. Jeff replies that he’s not coaching around expertise; rather, he’s helping spark new ideas and innovations in their brains. A compliance issue could have multiple approaches. He’s teaching professionals to be better leaders, as well as how to ask thoughtful, reflective questions.
How to Know If Coaching is Right For You
Jeff says you should consider retaining a coach after you’ve maximized all the other training, development and leadership resources available to you, and you have stretch goals that you still need to achieve. A coach can help you make the changes you need to reach your goals. In addition, when you want to move to a higher level, the actions that brought you success in the past may not be the same things you’ll need to do to move ahead. Coaching can accelerate your growth to meet those new challenges. Jeff describes the coaching packages his company offers.
Breaking Down Silos and Convincing Management
Tom asks, Can an executive coach help a compliance practitioner think through having to break down silos within an organization? Yes, Jeff responds, and in addition to breaking down the silos, it’s all about the compliance professional’s relationship with those different stakeholders. You should think of the silos as stakeholder groups, he advises. Think about how to communicate well with them and be open to listening. 
Convince your management that you need an executive coach by pointing out the difference between a coach and a consultant. A coach knows how to ask questions and spark your thinking, which is what you need to help you perform better as a compliance professional. Also, show them the positive impact coaching will have on you and the organization. Tom comments that the service Jeff provides makes the compliance practitioner or the executive more innovative. 
Email: jeff@nallygroup.com 

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