WireCard and Germany Inc.

In the Episode, I am joined by Mikhail Reider-Gordon, Managing Director of Institutional Ethics & Integrity at Affiliated Monitors.  Mikhail’s areas of expertise include technology, privacy, cybersecurity, IP and accountability in artificial intelligence; the global anti-corruption and anti-money laundering regimes; media & entertainment; biotech and the life sciences; the public sector and international law.  She is accustomed to working on extremely sensitive and high-profile matters, both nationally and internationally. In this episode, we continue our multipart series on the Wirecard accounting fraud. Today, we consider the role of Germany Inc. in the Wirecard saga.
Some of the highlights include:

  • Wrap up of the most current event in the Wirecard saga.
  • Where does Germany fit in the global economy?
  • Other examples of German corporate fraud?
  • Where is all this corporate malfeasance coming from?
  • What is the co-determination management structure and how does it play into all this?
  • Political fallout?
  • EU response?

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