Word of the Week with Kenneth O’Neal – Wisdom

Each week, Kenneth O’Neal discusses a word that describes a principle or value of the Qualities of Success. We suggest you use the Word of the Week in your thoughts, deeds, and actions. You might possess the quality and desire to develop it to a higher level. You could replace a bad habit with a good habit. Write an action step and use it daily to develop the quality of your life.

In this episode, host Kenneth O’Neal discusses the word “wisdom” and the importance of wisdom in leadership, highlighting how true wisdom is the ability to discern what is right and true and to apply knowledge with sound judgment. Kenneth delves into the concept of wisdom not just as a collection of knowledge but as an integration of knowledge, experience, and ethical values. The discussion includes related terms such as understanding, common sense, gumption, and judgment and how these qualities form a robust framework for making sound decisions. The episode also touches on historical figures like Solomon and Benjamin Franklin, showcasing them as paragons of wisdom and understanding.

Key highlights:

  • Exploring the Concept of Wisdom
  • Wisdom and Understanding: A Deeper Dive
  • Applying Wisdom in Daily Life


KRONEAL Consulting

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