FCPA Compliance Report

Dave Lefort, Reflections on Tommy Heinsohn

In the episode, I take things in a different direction as I visit with Compliance Week Editor-in-Chief Dave Lefort. We reflect on the life and meaning of the recently deceased Tommy Heinsohn. We talk about Heinsohn the player, the coach, the announcer and the man. We discuss leadership and why Heinsohn was a figure beloved by all of New England.
Some of the highlights include:

  • The basketball resume of Tommy Heinsohn, from Holy Cross and an NIT Championship, to a Boston Celtics player, to the Boston Celtics coach and ending as the Boston Celtics announcer.
  • Some Heinsohn numbers.
  • Tommy Heinsohn and Red Auerbach –their relationship.
  • How did Auerbach make use of Tommy’s skills in over 35 years of working together?
  • What is the role of a Coach/GM in finding roles for all players?
  • What did Tommy mean to Boston, New England and indeed all of New England?
  • Why is continuity so valued in Boston sports?
  • Final Thoughts-What did Tommy Heinsohn mean personally to each of us?
Daily Compliance News

November 16, 2020-Jones Day Reckoning edition

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • Investors defrauded by Och-Ziff finally reimbursed. (WSJ)
  • Damage inside from and outside to Jones Day. (AboveThe Law)
  • Law firms bailing on Trump campaign. (NYT)
  • What will be final cost to Robert Smith for tax fraud? (WaPo)