Airbus-Part 3, Jonathan Armstrong on the UK-SFO Enforcement

In this special 5-part podcast series on the FCPA Compliance Report, I am considering the Airbus international anti-corruption enforcement action from a variety of perspectives from some of the top world’s top compliance practitioners and commentators on compliance. They include, Jay Rosen-Mr. Monitor; Mike Volkov-Editor of Corruption Crime and Compliance; Jonathan Armstrong-partner at Cordery Compliance in London; Cecilia Fellouse-Guenkel-Secretary General, The Circle of Compliance and Tom Fox-the Compliance Evangelist. In today’s Episode 3, Jonathan Armstrong considers the UK’s Serious Fraud Office role in the enforcement involving Airbus.
Highlights include:

  • The transparency in the UK-Deferred Prosecution Agreement process allows greater information to for the compliance professional.
  • What are the key differences in the UK and US DPA process?
  • The breadth and scope of the UK investigation.
  • The UK-DPA is not the end of the story as there may well be significant individual enforcement actions going forward.
  • What does Airbus mean for the new SFO style of anti-bribery enforcement action?

Cordery Compliance Client Alert on the Airbus enforcement action here.

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