Design of your Code of Conduct

Next is the design of your Code of Conduct. Through attention to detail in the design process, you should be able to come out at the end with a code which will help you to more fully operationalize your compliance program. You must begin with a determination of what you are trying to accomplish. It does not serve you to try and list every compliance risk you might think your company may encounter. You should determine the values you want to communicate, what the expectations are for employees and how to call the hotline. Under such an approach, a Code of Conduct can be the jumping off point for training on the issues stated in it. It can also form the hub of the wheel for other policies and procedures and written standards you want to communicate to relevant stakeholders.
You should also consider how you are going to distribute your code to your employees and stakeholders. If it is through an Adobe .pdf document, which is accessible for most stakeholders across an organization or via another method. If a significant part of your workforce does not have access to computers, online production only will not work as the primary distribution platform.
Three key takeaways:

  1. Get your business folks involved in your Code of Conduct from the outset.
  2. Your ethical values should be integrated into and integral to your Code of Conduct.
  3. How have you operationalized your Code of Conduct?

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