Compliance Kitchen

CCPA – GDPR Comparison, ETIAS Registration for EU Travel

Stop by for a quick visit on CCPA and GDPR and how to register for your future EU travel, when we can hopefully travel again.

31 Days to More Effective Compliance Programs

Design of your Code of Conduct

Next is the design of your Code of Conduct. Through attention to detail in the design process, you should be able to come out at the end with a code which will help you to more fully operationalize your compliance program. You must begin with a determination of what you are trying to accomplish. It does not serve you to try and list every compliance risk you might think your company may encounter. You should determine the values you want to communicate, what the expectations are for employees and how to call the hotline. Under such an approach, a Code of Conduct can be the jumping off point for training on the issues stated in it. It can also form the hub of the wheel for other policies and procedures and written standards you want to communicate to relevant stakeholders.
You should also consider how you are going to distribute your code to your employees and stakeholders. If it is through an Adobe .pdf document, which is accessible for most stakeholders across an organization or via another method. If a significant part of your workforce does not have access to computers, online production only will not work as the primary distribution platform.
Three key takeaways:

  1. Get your business folks involved in your Code of Conduct from the outset.
  2. Your ethical values should be integrated into and integral to your Code of Conduct.
  3. How have you operationalized your Code of Conduct?

Episode 19: So You’re Not Getting Any Compliance Reports…

Amanda welcomes Risk Specialist and Certified Compliance Analyst Nakia Campbell to the show to bend employers’ ears about the common misconception that no compliance reports = a good thing.

 Check out more episodes and full episode videos at, and don’t forget to subscribe on your favorite podcast platform!

Compliance and Coronavirus

Fry Wernick on Communications Risks After Covid-19

Welcome to the newest addition to the Compliance Podcast Network, Compliance and Coronavirus. As the Voice of Compliance, I wanted to start a podcast which will help to bring both clarity and sanity to the compliance practitioner and compliance profession during this worldwide health and healthcare crisis. In this episode, I am joined by Fry Wernick, a partner at Vinson & Elkins. We discuss how the DOJ’s policy on ephemeral messaging will come into play during the time of the Coronavirus health crisis and what compliance officers need to do to capture and store communications.

Life with GDPR

CCTV and Data Privacy

In this episode I visit with Jonathan Armstrong are back to discuss issues relating to data privacy, data protection and GDPR. Today, we consider the intersection of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) and data privacy. Some of the highlights are:

  1. CCTV is ubiquitous in the UK. Why is a DPIA so critical in GDPR compliance around this issue?
  2. What about the safety implications for CCTV?
  3. What about Subject Access Requests?
  4. Transparency is critical. This means full notice to all employees.
  5. What should be your retention policy?

Check out the Cordery Compliance, client alert on the CCTV and data privacy, click here. For more information on Cordery Compliance, go their website here. Also check out the GDPR Navigator, one of the top resources for GDPR Compliance by clicking here.

12 O’Clock High-a podcast on business leadership

Leadership Lessons from Marcus Aurelius

Richard Lummis and I are back with more business leadership lessons. In this episode of 12 O’Clock High, a podcast on business leadership, we take a look at leadership lessons from the Marcus Aurelius who was Roman Emperor from 161 to 180.  He was the last of the rulers known as the Five Good Emperors and the last emperor of the Pax Romana, an age of relative peace and stability for the Roman Empire. He was a Stoic philosopher and it is from that tradition we present his leadership lessons applicable to today’s business executive.
Highlights of this podcast include:

  1. Background of Marcus Aurelius.
  2. Philosophical learnings of Marcus Aurelius.
  3. What led to writing of Mediations?
  4. Lessons from Meditations.
  5. Business lessons.
  6. Leadership lessons. Why did they participate? Is there one right reason?
  7. Rules for life.
  8. Final thoughts on leadership lessons.

10 Rules for Being an Exceptional Leader
Ten Rules for Life
Why business leaders look to stoicism

Daily Compliance News

May 7, 2020-the Lack of Trust edition

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • Edelman survey shows businesses lack trust during Covid-19? (FT)
  • What will be the litigation costs of Coronavirus? (FT)
  • Another fallout from Covid-19, failed M&A. (FT)
  • Wither Pemex? (FT)