
Frictionless and Engaging Compliance Training with Avi Singer

On this week’s episode, Tom’s guest Avi Singer talks about how to make it easier for employees to understand and complete compliance training. Compliance training refers to the process of educating employees on laws, regulations, and company policies that apply to their day-to-day job responsibilities. The goal is for everyone in an organization to have compliance training, and for it to be frictionless for employees to access and complete. 

Avi Singer is the founder and CEO of, a company that is helping organizations provide remote and on-demand compliance training solutions, specifically in the healthcare space. He is extremely passionate about highlighting the importance of compliance training, noting that it is often required in order for organizations to comply with regulations. He is described by his colleagues as a “bright professional who can understand complex business solutions and offer creative solutions to problems.” 


Here are some key points Tom and Avi talk about:

  • Avi explains how he persuades clients to utilize resources from his company to have their employees take its compliance training. 
  • Avi believes compliance training should be easy to understand and pass a quiz on. 
  • The government expects targeted compliance training to address issues like racial sensitivity or harassment, Avi explains to Tom. 
  • Avi highlights the importance of bystander intervention and mandated reporting in potentially harmful situations and the best way to execute it in a clear and nuanced fashion.
  •  If additional training or intervention is required, Avi says, companies should have an HR person who can help address investigations and create policies around compliance.
  • AVI discusses pronoun training, how it should be conducted in order to get the message to the right person, and how to ensure employees are addressed in an appropriate manner.
  • The goal is for everyone in an organization to have compliance training, and for it to be frictionless for employees to access and complete, Avi says.
  • Cost savings can be achieved by reducing liability and risk, as well as by making compliance part of the normal training process.



“You don’t have to be perfect. I think that our training is not like, ‘Hey, you need to know the nuances of harassment or the nuances of what constitutes the mandatory reporter situation or what constitutes abuse’. It’s more like, ‘The law says if you see this going on you have to do something’.” – Avi Singer



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