Report from IMPACT 2023 – Ronnie Feldman – Engaging a Global Workforce: Creative Solutions

ECI’s IMPACT 2023 was one of the leading compliance events in 2023. At this conference, Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, was able to visit with several of the speakers, exhibitors, participants and one group of ethically minded Girl Scout Troop. In this limited podcast series, Report from IMPACT 2023, Tom explores many of the most cutting edge topics in ethics and compliance through short podcast episodes. Check out the full series of interviews. You will be enlightened, informed and come away with a fuller and more thorough understanding of the most cutting-edge topics in ethics and compliance. In this episode, Tom visits with Ronnie Feldman, founder of Learning and Entertainments.

Tom and Ronnie discuss using creative solutions to engage remote employees, such as short commercials and social media style content. They chatted about corporate social responsibility and how to engage a global, multicultural workforce. Ronnie believes that e-Learning is mostly ineffective, long, and boring, and suggests using animation, music, and custom videos with real people in their language as creative solutions. Tom recommends pushing out a video of a certain style for a couple of weeks, then trying a different video of the same style for a couple of weeks, knowing that over time, more people will be engaged. They also discussed the importance of content being interesting, positive, and culture-based, but not preachy.

 Highlights include 

·      Global Engagement Strategies

·      Engaging Remote Employees

·      Creating Video Content 


Connect with Ronnie Feldman on LinkedIn

Learnings and Entertainments

Connect with Tom Fox on Linkedin

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