
Mastering ChatGPT: Business Uses

Join us as we dive into the world of ChatGPT and discover how this powerful tool can revolutionize your business. Today we conclude our five-part blog post series on Mastering ChatGPT. In today’s final blog post, we look at how you can incorporate ChatGPT into various business uses for any organization. As always, I was joined in this exploration by Larry Roberts, CEO of Red Hat Media.

The transformative power of artificial intelligence tools in business processes is an unfolding narrative that every professional should be aware of. These tools, taking center stage in customer service and decision-making processes, are poised to shape the future of business operations. Businesses can offer superior customer service while making data-driven decisions by using AI for things as varied as content generation to data analytics. The result is a significant leap in customer satisfaction and a more nimble operational procedure.

Chat GPT and SEO Content Creation

In the digital era, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial in enhancing businesses’ online visibility. AI, like Chat GPT, data analysis, and content creation, could improve a company’s SEO strategy, increasing discoverability and driving more organic traffic to their platforms.  Larry’s insight into data analytics and decision-making and Chat GPT provided a new perspective on SEO content creation. He recognized the tool’s potential to analyze content and aid in data analytics through its API, although he cautioned that it may not be the most effective out-of-the-box solution for analytics.

Chat GPT and SEO Content Creation

In the digital era, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial in enhancing businesses’ online visibility. AI, like Chat GPT, data analysis, and content creation, could improve a company’s SEO strategy, increasing discoverability and driving more organic traffic to their platforms.  Larry’s insight into data analytics and decision-making and Chat GPT provided a new perspective on SEO content creation. He recognized the tool’s potential to analyze content and aid in data analytics through its API, although he cautioned that it may not be the most effective out-of-the-box solution for analytics.

Understand and Define Customer Needs

Who in a corporation is your customer? If you are in the compliance function, it is the employees and other stakeholders. This means identifying and defining customer needs is a fundamental step in tailoring your operations to meet your audience’s expectations. A deep understanding of what your customers need and prefer enables you to build products or services that resonate with them. Not only will this step increase customer satisfaction, but it also paves the way for more efficient and effective business operations. The action involves conducting meticulous research and surveys to collect invaluable data, allowing businesses to step into their customers’ shoes and view their operations from a customer’s perspective.  Just change the word customer to employee.

Customer Service

Sticking with the insight that your compliance customers are your employees, in the world we live in today, consistent advancement in technology brings about powerful tools businesses can use to enhance their operations. One such tool is the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in customer service. AI has presented a massive potential for improving how businesses interact with their clients, making processes faster, better, and more efficient. One critical aspect is deploying AI tools like ChatGPT to deliver efficient customer service interactions. These tools can be incorporated into platforms to provide automatic responses to customer inquiries promptly and accurately.

Chat GPT in Email Communication

Email communication remains a vital element of business operations. AI tools like ChatGPT can enhance this aspect of the business by automating tasks such as summarizing lengthy emails or drafting responses. AI can significantly save time and increase overall productivity for businesses.  From his professional experiences, Larry commended how ChatGPT could be utilized in email communication. The tool’s ability to summarize extensive emails and draft others based on inputs underscores its potential to streamline professional communication processes.

But remember, simply implementing ChatGPT does not guarantee success—it requires perseverance, adaptability, and continuous improvement. By staying committed to refining and optimizing the use of ChatGPT, businesses can unlock their full potential and achieve remarkable results. So, dive in, explore the possibilities, and witness the transformative impact ChatGPT can have on your business.

In an increasingly digital age, leveraging AI technology to enhance customer service and improve decision-making is a crucial advantage for business professionals. Central to this is understanding and defining customer needs, allowing personalized products and services. Further, using AI tools like ChatGPT for customer service can provide prompt and efficient responses to customer inquiries. Coupled with machine learning for content generation, this can significantly boost a business’s marketing efforts. Additionally, ChatGPT can aid in data analytics, underscoring the importance of data in driving business decisions. With this knowledge, you can embark on a journey toward business transformation, leading to higher customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

For more information on Larry Roberts, check out Red Hat Media.

Compliance and AI

Mastering ChatGPT: Part 5 – Business Uses for ChatGPT

Welcome to a special five-part podcast series on mastering ChatGPT. My special guest throughout this journey is Larry Roberts, an accomplished professional with over 25 years of multifaceted experience. Having initiated his career in the corporate training sphere, he exhibited a remarkable shift to IT, contributing greatly as a Business Intelligence Analyst. His proficiency in harnessing predictive analytics for inventory and sales projections led him to tap into the realm of AI. In 2021, Larry chose to cozy up with podcasting and content creation. His journey with ChatGPT began in November of the same year, and he has been fully engrossed with it since then. His insights into data models, large language models, and his overall passion for AI are certain to illuminate any forum. In this concluding Episode 5, we set out some strategies for streamlining business operations using ChatGPT.

The transformative power of artificial intelligence tools in business processes is an unfolding narrative that every professional should be aware of. These tools, taking center stage in customer service and decision-making processes, are poised to shape the future of business operations. Businesses can offer superior customer service while making data-driven decisions by using AI for things as varied as content generation to data analytics. The result is a significant leap in customer satisfaction and a more nimble operational procedure.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Understand the scale of AI’s impact on boosting operational efficiency and refining decision-making across sectors.
  • Navigate the ethical quandaries surrounding AI, elucidating the need for transparency, accountability, and human vigilance.
  • Explore the exciting trajectory of AI, delving into the game-changing phenomena of deep learning and neural networks.
  • Dispel fears and myths about AI’s impact on employment, focusing on the promise of reskilling and upskilling.
  • Grasp the capabilities of AI to supercharge human capacities, ushering in a new era of augmented intelligence and unprecedented creativity.

Key Highlights:

  • Machine Learning and ChatGPT
  • ChatGPT in Marketing and Advertising
  • ChatGPT in Email Communication
  • ChatGPT and SEO Content Creation


  •  Larry Roberts

Larry Roberts on LinkedIn

Red Hat Media

  •  Tom Fox






Trekking Through Compliance

Trekking Through Compliance – Episode 43 – Wolf in the Fold

In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode Wolf in the Fold, which aired on December 22, 1967, Star Date  3614.9.
Scotty, Kirk, and McCoy beam down to Orgellius II for shore leave when Mr. Scott is accused of murder. His fingerprints are the only ones on the murder weapon, and he has a concussion and amnesia.
Mr. Scott claims that he felt the presence of a foul, cold, evil creature. A search of crime records shows the following pattern of unsolved mass murders: 1932 Shanghai, 1974 Kiev, 2105 Martian colony, and 2156 Heliopolis on Alpha Eridani 2. To avoid making the creature stronger by allowing him to feed off the fear of the crew, McCoy injects everyone with a tranquilizer. The creature returns to Hengist’s body. However, Hengist is quickly subdued and tranquilized, and Spock transports him into space with the widest possible separation. Kirk and Spock must wait 6 hours for the tranquilizer to wear off their extremely “happy” crew.

Compliance Takeaways:

  1. Does your Board engage in active oversight of your compliance function?
  2. Do you perform due diligence on potential senior management hires?
  3. What should be the length of a suspension?

Excruciatingly Detailed Plot Summary by Eric W. Weisstein
Memory Alpha

Daily Compliance News

Daily Compliance News: July 14, 2023 – The Letter to the Editor Edition

Welcome to the Daily Compliance News. Each day, Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance brings to you compliance-related stories to start your day. Sit back, enjoy a cup of morning coffee, and listen in to the Daily Compliance News. All, from the Compliance Podcast Network. Each day we consider four stories from the business world, compliance, ethics, risk management, leadership, or general interest for the compliance professional.

  • GOP demands more regulation of big tech, then investigates FTC for doing so. (WSJ)
  • Is your company investing in China? (NYT)
  • Alleged fraudster said customers devised the fraud. (FT)
  • UK AML regime ‘not fit for purpose’. (FT)
Report from IMPACT 2023

Report from IMPACT 2023 – Ronnie Feldman – Engaging a Global Workforce: Creative Solutions

ECI’s IMPACT 2023 was one of the leading compliance events in 2023. At this conference, Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, was able to visit with several of the speakers, exhibitors, participants and one group of ethically minded Girl Scout Troop. In this limited podcast series, Report from IMPACT 2023, Tom explores many of the most cutting edge topics in ethics and compliance through short podcast episodes. Check out the full series of interviews. You will be enlightened, informed and come away with a fuller and more thorough understanding of the most cutting-edge topics in ethics and compliance. In this episode, Tom visits with Ronnie Feldman, founder of Learning and Entertainments.

Tom and Ronnie discuss using creative solutions to engage remote employees, such as short commercials and social media style content. They chatted about corporate social responsibility and how to engage a global, multicultural workforce. Ronnie believes that e-Learning is mostly ineffective, long, and boring, and suggests using animation, music, and custom videos with real people in their language as creative solutions. Tom recommends pushing out a video of a certain style for a couple of weeks, then trying a different video of the same style for a couple of weeks, knowing that over time, more people will be engaged. They also discussed the importance of content being interesting, positive, and culture-based, but not preachy.

 Highlights include 

·      Global Engagement Strategies

·      Engaging Remote Employees

·      Creating Video Content 


Connect with Ronnie Feldman on LinkedIn

Learnings and Entertainments

Connect with Tom Fox on Linkedin

Career Can D0

Embracing Change: Navigating the Future of Work with Lata Hamilton

In this episode of Career Can Do, host Mary Ann Faremouth sits down with Lata Hamilton, the founder, and CEO of Passion Pioneers and the creator of leading successful change programs. Lata has worked with some of Australia’s biggest companies and developed her own style of inspiring change leadership. This episode delves into the importance of managing change, the role of technology, and how to become a changemaker.

Lata discusses the increasing role of technology in automating tasks and the subsequent shift towards people-focused roles and work. She believes that as more menial tasks are handled by technology, we will be able to improve the experiences of people and spend more time focusing on that. She explains that change management is about moving people from doing things in one way in an organization to doing things in a new way. This is achieved through communications, training, and business readiness. “Change management is all about the people,” Lata explains. “…people need to be taken on the journey and that the people can actually be the ones that make or break the change.”


Change management used to be a very methodical, sequential process that could be planned out well in advance. However, the fast pace of change in recent years, especially due to COVID, has made it necessary for change management to be more flexible and adaptive. Lata emphasizes the need for change management to add value quickly and inspire teams and leaders from the inside out to accept, engage with, and move forward into the future.

Lata and Mary Ann discuss the value of building connections and relationships across teams and organizations. They believe that these cross-functional relationships and conversations are essential for understanding the impacts of change across the organization. Lata remarks that change managers are like matchmakers, connecting people from different projects or teams that might not be directly related to the change process but are crucial for the overall success of the organization. She encourages listeners to build their own confidence and sense of self-worth to future-proof their careers. She wants you to embrace change, lead it, and be at the forefront of it. Anyone can be a leader in their own right and people will follow those who are willing to accept and lead change.



Lata Hamilton on Website | LinkedIn | Instagram

Passion Pioneers

31 Days to More Effective Compliance Programs

One Month to Better Reporting and Investigations – The Investigation Protocol

After the internal report comes in and you have properly triaged the matter, you need to scope out and investigate it, promptly, thoroughly, and with competent personnel. In the 2020 Update, provided these series of questions about your internal investigations:
 Properly Scoped Investigations by Qualified Personnel – How does the company determine which complaints or red flags merit further investigation? How does the company ensure that investigations are properly scoped? What steps does the company take to ensure investigations are independent, objective, appropriately conducted, and properly documented? How does the company determine who should conduct an investigation, and who makes that determination?
 Investigation Response – Does the company apply timing metrics to ensure responsiveness? Does the company have a process for monitoring the outcome of investigations and ensuring accountability for the response to any findings or recommendations?
 Resources and Tracking of Results – Are the reporting and investigating mechanisms sufficiently funded? How has the company collected, tracked, analyzed, and used information from its reporting mechanisms? Does the company periodically analyze the reports or investigation findings for patterns of misconduct or other red flags for compliance weaknesses? Does the company periodically test the effectiveness of the hotline, for example by tracking a report from start to finish?

In a presentation, Jay Martin, and Jacki Trevino discussed the specifics of an investigation protocol. It consisted of 1) opening and categorizing the case; 2) planning the investigation; 3) executing the investigation plan; 4) determining appropriate follow-up, and 5) closing the case. If you follow this basic protocol, you should be able to work through most investigations, in a clear, concise, and cost-effective manner. Furthermore, you should have a report at the end of the day which should stand up to later scrutiny if a regulator comes looking. Finally, you will be able to “Document, Document, and Document”, not only the steps you took but why and the outcome obtained.
Three key takeaways:

  1. A written protocol, created before an investigation, is a key starting point.
  2. Create specific steps to follow so there will be full transparency and documentation going forward.
  3. Consistency in approach is critical.