In this special 5 part podcast series, I am deeply diving into the Monaco Memo and analyzing it from various angles. In this episode of the FCPA Compliance Report, we have the Award-Winning Everything Compliance quartet of Jonathan Marks, Jonathan Armstrong, Karen Woody, and Tom Fox on the Monaco Memo.
1. Tom Fox looks at the Monaco Memo through the monitorship language and answers a listener’s questions about compliance programs under the Monaco Memo.
2. Karen Woody reviews the Monaco Memo, the self-disclosure angle, and investigatory considerations and ponders the role of defense counsel going forward.
3. Jonathan Marks also looks at investigatory issues under the Monaco Memo, the role of the Board of Directors, and the role of the forensic auditor under the Monaco Memo.
4. Jonathan Armstrong’s self-disclosure from a UK angle joins Karen Woody in questioning how defense counsel should move forward.
Tom 5-Part blog post series in the FCPA Compliance and Ethics Blog
1. A Jolt for Compliance
2. Timely Self-Disclosure
3. Corporate Compliance Programs
4. Monitors
5. The Heat is On