
Trekking Through Compliance: Episode 8 – Miri

In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode Miri which aired on October 27, 1966, Star Date 2713.5.

A disfigured man attacks a landing party who dies after Kirk strikes him. They discover a preadolescent, Miri, who ran away from them because “grups” kill and maim children before dying. She and her friends are “onlies,” the only ones left. The distress call is traced to an automated signal. The landing party, except for Spock, notices purple lesions on their bodies; Miri tells them that these are the first signs of the disease, and they will soon become like the other adults. When the disease begins, its victims have seven days to live. Although Spock is immune, he considers himself a carrier who could infect the Enterprise if he returns.

Back on the Enterprise, after vaccinating everyone and leaving the children in the care of a medical team, Kirk sends for teachers and advisers to help the children improve their lives.

Compliance Takeaways:
  1. Be prepared to translate your compliance policies and procedures into local languages and receive information back in local languages.
  2. Is your compliance program rules-based or values-based?
  3. How can you pressure test your compliance program?

The story synopsis is from the Excruciatingly Detailed Plot Summary by Eric W. Weisstein for Miri.

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