FCPA Compliance Report

Joe Gerard on Conducting Fraud Investigations with Case Management Software

In this episode I visit with Joe Gerard, CEO of i-Sight Software. We consider i-Sight’s recent eBook, Conducting Fraud Investigations with Case Management Software and how case management software facilitates the investigative process. Some of the highlights include:
  1. What is iSight Software and what are some of its services, products and tools.
  2. What is Case Management Software?
  3. How does it assist corporate fraud investigations?
  4. How does it help both accuracy and speed?
  5. Gerard provides an example of how case management SW works.
  6. How case management SW streamlines a pre-existing investigative process?
  7. What is the ROI of case management SW?
  8. What are some of the differences between homegrown case management solutions (or worse yet—spreadsheets) and case management SW?
  9. Where can listeners go for more information?
Joe Gerard
i-Sight Software
Daily Compliance News

October 7, 2019- the Holmes Stiffs Her Lawyers edition

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • Agri-giant CHS admits to bribery in Mexico. (Star Tribune)
  • What is the business of fearing Elizabeth Warren? (WSJ)
  • DOJ ends investigation in the allegations of Shell bribery in Nigeria. (WSJ)
  • FT takes a deep dive into the Credit Suisse miasma. (FT)