31 Days to More Effective Compliance Programs

Six core principles for compliance incentives

Most compliance professionals understand the need to discipline employees who may have violated ethics and compliance programs or otherwise engaged in bribery and corruption. However, many Chief Compliance Officers (CCOs) and compliance practitioners do not focus as much attention to compliance incentives. I have developed six core principles for incentives, adapted from Spring 2014 MIT Sloan Management Review article, entitled “Combining Purpose with Profits”, and formulated them for the compliance function in an anti-corruption compliance program.

1.     Compliance incentives don’t have to be elaborate or novel. 

2.     Compliance incentives need supporting systems if they are to stick.

3.     Support systems are needed to reinforce compliance incentives.

4.     Compliance incentives need a “counterweight” to endure.

5.     Compliance incentive alignment works in an oblique, not linear, way.

6.     Compliance incentive initiatives can be implemented at all levels.

Obviously, this list is not exhaustive. Yet it is now more important than ever that you demonstrate tangible incentives for your employees to gain benefits, both financial and hierarchical, through doing business ethically, in compliance with your own Code of Conduct and most certainly in compliance with relevant anti-bribery laws. It is also a requirement that such actions be documented so they can be demonstrated to the regulators, if they come knocking.

Three key takeaways:

  1. Compliance incentives do not have to be elaborate or novel.
  2. You must create support systems for your compliance incentives.
  3. Compliance incentives should be implemented at all levels.
Why a Duck

A Night at the Opera, Part 3 and Compliance into 2020

From Vaudeville to the Silver Screen to the Small Screen, the Marx Brothers made an impact wherever people found them. Now Tom Fox and Mike Volkov have wedded their love of the Marx Brothers with their passion for compliance and bring them into the boardroom to help explain and explore the sometimes-chaotic world of governance, risk-management, ethics and compliance. In this episode they begin a three-part series where they discuss the movie A Night at the Opera and how it informs the 2019 in Compliance, FCPA enforcement actions and Compliance into 2020 and beyond.  In this episode we put on our prognosticator’s turbans and looked into the veiled land of 2020 and beyond in compliance. Highlights from the podcast include:
1.     Why data will become more important in compliance?
2.     You have an ABC compliance program. What about Anti-Trust and Trade Compliance?
3.     How do the OFAC Compliance Framework and Anti-Trust Division Guidance inform ABC compliance?
4.     Where will compliance convergence go in 2020?
5.     Will 2020 be the year of the ‘Ethical Edge’?
6.     What will happen to FCPA enforcement numbers in 2020? What about individual prosecutions.
Mike Volkov-FCPA Predictions for 2020
Tom FoxCompliance Insights for 2020 and Beyond
Marx Brothers-The Sanity Clause SceneYouTube

Daily Compliance News

February 10, 2020, the Corp Spying edition

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • Citgo 6 rearrested in Venezuela. (HoustonChronicle)
  • Credit Suisse CEO fired for spying on subordinates. (FT)
  • Top CitiGroup trader fired for stealing food from Canteen. (FT)
  • Corporate CEO racially abuse Uber driver on tape, gets fired. (NYT)