31 Days to More Effective Compliance Programs

Freight forwarders

The FCPA world is littered with cases involving freight forwarders, brokers and agents in the shipping and express delivery arena. Both the DOJ and SEC have aggressively pursued third-party business relationships where bribery and corruption have been found. This is particularly true where companies are required to deliver goods into a foreign country through the assistance of a freight forwarder or express delivery service.
If you utilize the services of a third-party for as a freight forwarders, brokers and agents in the shipping and express delivery arena, that company’s actions will go a long way in determining your company’s FCPA liability. You must have a thoughtful process and document that process.
Three key takeaways:

  1. Express delivery services and freight forwarders present unique compliance risks.
  2. There must be a business justification to bring on new express delivery services or freight forwarders in high risk jurisdictions.
  3. Consider constructing a risk matrix in this area.
Daily Compliance News

July 27, 2020-the Trap is Set edition

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • China says HSBC set ‘trap’ for Huawei. (WSJ)
  • Lay-offs are the worst option. (FT)
  • Winners and losers in business from Coivd-19. (NYT)
  • Fraud at Ebony? (WSJ)
FCPA Compliance Report

Gordon Platt-from Investigative Journalism to White Collar Defense

In the Episode, I am joined by Gordon Platt.  Platt is an attorney, award-winning investigative journalist and filmmaker, and long-time entrepreneur and strategic consultant. His legal practice focuses on representing companies and individuals facing significant challenges in rapidly evolving sectors of the world economy. Areas of focus include: dispute resolution, fraud and internal investigations, and asset tracing and recovery. He is a member of the bar and licensed to practice in New York and Massachusetts. In this episode, we discuss Platt’s return to the full-time practice of law and how the skills he used as investigative journalist enhance his work as a white collar practitioner.

Some of the highlights include:

  1. What has it been like to return to the practice of law fulltime during Covid-19?
  2. Platt’s work as an investigative journalist.
  3. How did that work inform his approach to the practice of law?
  4. Why Platt has always found that people who attempted to dissuade him from covering something because it was of no interest always led him to become interested?
  5. Where and how does Platt see anti-corruption due diligence headed?
  6. How Platt’s practice is informed by an extensive network of relationships formed over two decades of organizing professional events and programs for investors and entrepreneurs?

For more information on Platt or his law practice, check out his firm’s website here.