FCPA Compliance Report

Jonathan Marks on the Role of Gatekeepers

In this special five-part podcast series, I take a deep dive into the recent Herbalife FCPA Resolution. Over the next 5 podcasts Mike Volkov, Jay Rosen, Matt Kelly, Jonathan Marks and Jonathan Armstrong will all bring their own unique perspectives to this settlement. In this Part 4, Jonathan Marks and Tom Fox discuss the role of gatekeepers and the lack of skepticism at the Board of Directors.
Some of the highlights include:

  • Chief Audit Executive and Chief Compliance Officer exits should be 8K events.
  • Who guards the gatekeepers?
  • The Board is responsible for management override of controls.
  • Why was there a lack of skepticism at the Board level?

Episode 31: Adaptive Interview Smackdown! with Will McSpadden

Asking questions with empathy is a trademark at ComplianceLine. Amanda welcomes Will McSpadden back to the show to discuss how our adaptive interview lays waste to the competitor’s ten-question script.

Check out more episodes and full episode videos at, and don’t forget to subscribe on your favorite podcast platform!

For more information on ComplianceLine, click here.

Life with GDPR

H&M Fined €35.2 for Data Privacy Breaches

In this episode Jonathan Armstrong and Tom Fox are back to discuss issues relating to data privacy, data protection and GDPR. Today, we consider recent decision by the Hamburg Data Protection Authority which fined H&M Germany €35.2m for GDPR violations. The case concerned excessive use of employee data and is the largest fine so far imposed by regulators for the handling of employee data. We are likely to see more pressure on employers to justify the handling of employee data as a result of today’s fine. Some of the highlights are:

  1. What did the regulator say?
  2. What did H&M do after the investigation began?
  3. What about the current pandemic?
  4. What are the implications going forward?
  5. What is this decision’s precedential value?
  6. What are some practical tips for compliance?

Check out the Cordery Compliance, client alert on this case, click here. For more information on Cordery Compliance, go their website here. Also check out the GDPR Navigator, one of the top resources for GDPR Compliance by clicking here.

Daily Compliance News

October 8, 2020-the End of PdVSA edition

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News:

  • End of PdVSA? (NYT)
  • Texas county indicts Netflix for child porn. (NYT)
  • US accused of violating forced-labor laws. (WaPo)
  • Chicken industry price-fixing (I’m shocked). (WSJ)