Episode 276 – the World Series Champs edition

As Tom mourns the Astros loss, he tips his cap to the WS Champs Atlanta Braves. He and Jay reflect on some of the top compliance and ethics stories in the World Series Champs edition. 


1.     DAG Lisa Monaco announces changes to white collar enforcement.  Matt Kelly in Radical Compliance. Tom in the FCPA Compliance and Ethics Blog. Tom and Matt Kelly in Compliance into the Weeds.
2.     Why health should be a part of ESG. John Godfrey in CCI.
3.     Keeping track of 3rd party risks. Mike Volkov in Corruption Crime and Compliance.
4.     What is ‘effective compliance’? Dick Cassin explores in the FCPA Blog.
5.     ABC Compliance: Good Governance issue. Joe Grady in GAB.
6.     Did a dysfunctional culture on the Rush movie set lead to a death? Sonia Rao in the Washington Post.
7.     Unclear values can lead to ethical lapses. Brett Beasley in ND Center for Ethical Leadership.
8.     New ABC law coming? Matt Kelly in Radical Compliance.
9.     Simplifying data governance. Alym Rayani in CCI.
10.  Gensler says crypto needs oversight. Mengqi Sun in the WSJ Risk and Compliance Journal. 

Podcasts and Events

11.  Compliance Week 2022 opens for registration. Sign up here.
12.  Welcome to the newest addition to the Compliance Podcast Network, Hidden Traffic, hosted by Gwen Hassan. In this podcast, host Gwen Hassan helps compliance professionals assess human trafficking risk and leverage their organization’s resources to root out this tragic problem. Check out Episode 1, where Gwen visits with Matt Friedman.
13.  Are you exasperated? Then check, F*ing Argentina. In this podcast series co-hosts Tom Fox and Gregg Greenberg, author of F*ing Argentina explore the current American psyche of being overworked, over leveraged, overtired and overwhelmed. Find out about modern America’s exasperation with well…exasperation. In Episode 8, an exasperating meeting with a dog and its owner on the streets of NYC.
14.  This month on The Compliance Life, I visit with Wendy Badger, CCO at Tennant. In Part 1, she details her academic career and early professional life.
15.  How does a Compliance Bible become a best-seller? Check out Tom’s appearance on the C-Suite Network’s Best Seller TV to find out.  Purchase The Compliance Handbook, 2nd edition here.
Tom Fox is the Voice of Compliance and can be reached at tfox@tfoxlaw.com. Jay Rosen is Mr. Monitor and can be reached at jrosen@affiliatedmonitors.com.

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