This Week in FCPA

Episode 200-the 200th Episode edition

As the lads fire up to celebrate their 200th show, they mourn the passing of John Prine, self-distancing Tom and Jay are back to consider some of the top compliance articles and stories which caught their eye this week.

  1. Mike Volkov with a two-part tribute to his great mentor, Stanley Sporkin. On Corruption Crime and Compliance, Part 1 and Part 2.
  2. How beliefs impact mindset. Linda Henman in CCI.
  3. Some coronavirus considerations. For Board, on the D&O Diary and from the front lines on the FCPA Blog.
  4. Stepping up your DD game during coronavirus. Jason Chang in the FCPA Blog.
  5. FINMA reports highlights AML risk. Jonathan Rusch in Dipping Through Geometries.
  6. Don’t be a Covidiot engaging in Covidocity. Matt Kelly in Radical Compliance. Tom and Matt take a deep dive in Compliance into the Weeds.
  7. Compliance Week announces finalists for Excellence in Compliance Awards. Round One and Round Two. Special congrats to Carrie Penman.
  8. Man update on COVID-19 and D&O Insurance. Kevin LaCroix on the D&O Diary.
  9. Be careful out there, the bad guys are watching. Ahsan Habib in Risk and Compliance Platform Europe.
  10. On Compliance and Coronavirus this week: Peter Eyre on navigating the choppy legal and regulatory waters; Eric Feldman on the importance of culture assessments during COVID-19; Mike Cherkasky on why coronavirus truly is a crisis; Mary Shirley and Lisa Fine ruminate on their professional and personal lives.
  11. The Compliance Life premiers on the Compliance Podcast Network.
  12. On the Compliance Podcast Network, Tom concludes a month of looking at the role of innovation in compliance And opens a month of exploring continuous improvement, all on 31 Days to a More Effective Compliance Program. This week saw the following offerings: Monday-designing a process for continuous monitoring; Tuesday-Auditing of 3rd Parties; Wednesday-Continuous Improvement in Compliance; Thursday-the Compliance Audit;  Friday-Supply Chain audits. Note 31 Days to a More Effective Compliance Program now has its own iTunes channel. If you want to binge out and listen to only these episodes, click here. This month’s sponsor is Affiliated Monitors, Inc.

Tom Fox is the Compliance Evangelist and can be reached at Jay Rosen is Mr. Monitor and can be reached at