Great Women in Compliance

Episode 86- Angela Main, Monitor Certified

Welcome to the Great Women in Compliance Podcast, co-hosted by Lisa Fine and Mary Shirley.
Last year we spoke with Olga Pontes who was in the middle of multiple monitorships at Odebrecht at the time.  This week Mary speaks with Angela Main, Chief Compliance Officer at Zimmer Biomet who recently led the company to a monitor certification – big congratulations to Zimmer Biomet for the momentous achievement!
Mary was especially thrilled to speak with Angela as they share similarities in having New Zealand heritage and being international citizens.  They open the episode by discussing what being an expat really means today.  Is the term now outdated?
Angela shares her experiences with us about what going through the monitorship was like for a global Compliance department and some of the things she learned along the way, including thoughts on how to best work with the monitor and get the most out of the experience.
The natural question for Angela at this stage is, so what next?  Angela shares her priorities for maintaining her Compliance program into 2021 and speaks about how she would approach Compliance fatigue if it were to come up as an issue moving forward.
Mary was curious about how Angela kept her team motivated and focused given monitorships involve a great deal of work for staff to manage and Angela supplied her initiatives for keeping the team going through a busy period.
We wrap up this episode by asking Angela to gaze into her crystal ball and speak about what the future holds for Compliance – listen in to hear her astute views on several different areas, including the future of monitorships.
Have you heard that the Great Women in Compliance Book, Sending the Elevator down is now available in an electronic version?  Head to Amazon to get your copy today!
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As always we’re so grateful for all of your support and if you have any feedback or suggestions for our 2021 line up, or would just like to reach out and say hello, we always welcome hearing from our listeners.
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