Culture Crafters

Culture Crafters – Preventing and Fixing a Cultural Disconnect

It is always interesting when the regulators catch up to the business world. That is what has happened around corporate culture. The DOJ is now assessing corporate culture for any company under investigation. Yet, more than simply complying with this mandate, companies should strive to foster the best culture that they can achieve. The reason is deceptively simple: the better the culture, the better the company. However, many business executives and even compliance professionals do not know how to craft a culture that allows your employees and your organization to implement such strategies. How can you unlock the power of a thriving workplace culture?

In this podcast series, Sam Silverstein, the most trusted voice in America on accountability, and Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, look at how companies can elevate their culture to new heights. In this episode, Tom and Sam conclude their 3-part series on the increased importance of compliance after Trump’s Executive Order suspending FCPA enforcement. Part 3 of the crucial aspects of corporate culture and ethics are detailed in the L.R.N. Ethics and Compliance Program Effectiveness Report. We explore why lower-level employees often perceive management as insincere about ethical values, not due to grand crimes like bribery or corruption but because of smaller, more personal issues like unfair treatment and lack of transparency. Sam emphasizes that even minor inconsistencies can erode trust, leading to a lack of safety and increased employee suspicion. They detail practical steps for middle and senior management to enhance their communication and engagement skills, with an overarching message that culture must be diligently maintained to build a high-performance organization. 

Key insights:

  • Ensuring Fairness and Consistency in the Workplace
  • Strategies for Enhancing Corporate Culture
  • The Importance of Continuous Cultural Improvement
  • Developing Middle Management Communication Skills
  • Engaging Senior Leadership in Cultural Conversations


Sam Silverstein

Sam Silverstein on LinkedIn

Sam Silverstein

The Culture Audit™

Tom Fox




