Because That's What Heroes Do

Because That’s What Heroes Do: Deep Space 9: Episode 7 – Blood Oath – Exploring Queerness, Vengeance, and Klingon Honor

Get ready for an exciting new season of Because That’s What Heroes Do. In this season, they take a deep dive into their favorite 15 episodes of Deep Space 9.

In this exploration, they are joined by DS9 maven Alex Murphy (Murphy) from Montreal, who is a local historian and cinema and TV fan with a love for weird foreign films, all things horror, and obscure media. He has been watching Trek since he was a tiny punk, and it’s been a lifelong love. Don’t miss out on the exciting new season of Because That’s What Heroes Do!

Today we take a deep dive into the Klingon culture and honor in the episode from Season 3, Blood Oath.

In this episode, the hosts discuss the DS9 episode ‘Blood Oath,’ highlighting its subtle but significant positive representation of queerness and transness, in honor of Pride Month.

Megan selected the episode for its portrayal of Jadzia Dax’s acceptance by her old Klingon friends, underscoring Star Trek’s long history of progressive storytelling. Tom and Murphy delve into various themes, including the homage to original series Klingon characters, the role of old warriors, justice versus vengeance in Klingon culture, and the complexity of Jadzia’s character evolution.

The conversation also touches on the controversial naming of the villain as ‘the albino’ and Sisko’s moral flexibility. The episode is appreciated for its depth, character development, and its pivotal role in the larger DS9 narrative.

Key Highlights and Themes:

  • The Significance of Blood Oath
  • Progessive Representation in Star Trek
  • Homage to TOS
  • The Role of Old Warriors
  • Jadzia Dax’s Evolution
  • Controversial Elements and Modern Sensibilities
  • Commander Sisko’s Moral Flexibility


Megan Dougherty 


One Stone Creative







Because That's What Heroes Do

Because That’s What Heroes Do: Deep Space 9 – Episode 6: The Siege

Get ready for an exciting new season of “Because That’s What Heroes Do.” This season, the hosts take a deep dive into their favorite 15 episodes of Deep Space 9, joined by DS9 maven Alex Murphy from Montreal. Murphy is a local historian and a fan of cinema and TV, with a love for weird foreign films, all things horror, and obscure media. He has been watching Trek since he was a tiny punk, and it’s been a lifelong love. Don’t miss out on the exciting new season of “Because That’s What Heroes Do!”

We conclude our three-part look at the opening trilogy from Season 2 with Part 3 of the season opening trilogy, “The Siege.”

In episode three of the “The Siege” arc, Murphy, Megan, and Tom delve into the concluding installment of this three-part trilogy, exploring key elements and significance to the series. Despite being considered the weakest of the three, this ‘shoot ’em up’ episode serves as a pivotal finale, resolving subplots involving several characters. The discussion highlights thematic elements such as Kira’s internal conflict, Quark’s actions driven by greed, and the overarching impact on the series’ future direction. The hosts also dissect performances, character arcs, and how this trilogy sets the stage for the evolving complexity of Starfleet, Bajoran politics, and individual character growth in Deep Space 9.

Key Highlights and Themes:

  • Overview and Initial Thoughts
  • Kira’s Emotional Journey
  • Starfleet’s Role and Consequences
  • The Death of Li Nalas
  • Kira’s Growth and Sisko’s Remarks
  • Final Thoughts on the Trilogy


Megan Dougherty 


One Stone Creative








Because That's What Heroes Do

Deep Space 9: Episode 5 – The Circle

Get ready for an exciting new season of “Because That’s What Heroes Do.” This season, they take a deep dive into their favorite 15 episodes of “Deep Space 9.”

In this exploration, they are joined by DS9 maven Alex Murphy from Montreal, a local historian and cinema and TV fan with a love for weird foreign films, all things horror, and obscure media. Murphy has been a devoted Trek fan since childhood, making this a lifelong passion.

Don’t miss out on the exciting new season of “Because That’s What Heroes Do!” We begin a three-part look at the opening trilogy from Season 2. In this episode, Part 2, “The Circle,” the hosts dive deep into the second episode of the three-part arc, exploring themes and character development in “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.”

They discuss Kira Nerys’ growth and her relationship with Vedek Bareil, contrasting views on Bajoran politics, and the implications of the Prime Directive. The episode also delves into the complexities of Bajoran religion and sects, key scenes with Sisko, and critiques of Admiral Chekote’s actions. The hosts provide an engaging analysis while referencing parallels to classic cinematic scenes.

Key Highlights and Themes:

  • Introduction and Episode Overview
  • Character Dynamics and Relationships
  • Exploring Bajoran Culture and Religion
  • Kira’s Personal Journey
  • Political Intrigue and Federation Involvement
  • Final Thoughts and Reflections


Megan Dougherty 


One Stone Creative






