Career Can D0

Your Health is Your Wealth with Diana Galindo

In this episode of Career Can Do, Mary Ann Faremouth chats with Diana Galindo, a nutritional therapist with a background in corporate marketing in the oil and gas industry. Diana served 12 years as the Honorary Consul General of Bolivia. Diana is highly motivated to help people improve their mental fitness and protect their brain from neurodegenerative diseases. She talks about healthy eating, and shares insights on what that entails.

Diana started doing research about health and wellness when her father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. She wanted to find ways to slow down the progress of the disease. She gained new insights about food and the brain: that food is connected to mood, our gut health is linked to our brain health, and there are essential nutrients for our brains, are a few such insights.
The impact of COVID-19 on the US has been devastating, and further proves how important it is to eat for your health. Because of the number of chronic diseases that significant percentages of the population suffer from, the country’s general health was already weakened. Diana recommends that listeners take note of how many plant foods they eat in a day, including spices, and that they should have at least three or four colors of food on their plates.