Innovation in Compliance

Innovation in Compliance – Exploring NLP and Burnout Recovery: Insights from Irina Alexander and Jen Hardy

Innovation comes in many forms, and compliance professionals must be ready for and embrace it. Join Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, as he visits with top innovative minds, thinkers, and creators in the award-winning Innovation in Compliance podcast. In this episode, host Tom Fox is joined by fellow C-Suite members Irina Alexander and Jen Hardy, co-founders of the Academy of MotivAction.

Their discussion begins by examining the transformative impact of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and other self-discovery tools on their personal and professional lives. They further explore their CARES approach, which stands for Communication, Awareness, Resiliency, Emotional Literacy, and Self-Mastery, designed to help high-stress professionals, including first responders and corporate workers, manage stress, prevent burnout, and build resiliency. Irina and Jen share their journey from being educators and entrepreneurs to founding the Academy of MotivAction and the programs and initiatives they offer designed to foster better communication, stronger relationships, and overall well-being in high-stress environments.

Key highlights:

  • Jen Hardy’s Journey: From Educator to NLP Expert
  • Irina Alexander’s Background and Meeting Jen
  • Understanding the Cycle of Overcommitment
  • The CARES Approach for First Responders
  • Expanding CARES to Corporate and High-Stress Environments


Jen Hardy on LinkedIn

Irina Alexander on LinkedIn

The Academy of MotivAction

Tom Fox






Greetings and Felicitations

Podfest Expo 2023 – Jen Hardy on 5 steps to get the most out of PodfestExpo

In this episode of the PodfestExpo 2023 Preview Podcasts series, I visit with Jen Hardy, host of the podcast Hardy Mom. We discuss her presentation at PodfestExpo on getting the most out of attending PodfestExpo 2023. Some of the issues we tackle in this podcast are:

  • Why should newbies (or others) attend this presentation?
  • What key steps can you take to get the most out of your Podfest experience?
  • Why joining the Podfest family can be critical for your pod.

I hope you can join me at PodfestExpo 2023, hosted by Podfest Global. This year’s event will be January 26-29, 2023, at the Renaissance Orlando at Seaworld in Orlando, Florida. The line-up of this year’s event is first-rate, with some of the top names in podcasting.

Podfest Expo is a community of people interested in and passionate about sharing their voice and message with the world through the powerful mediums of audio and video. We’re proud to unite as many people as possible to learn, get inspired, and grow better together.

 PodfestExpo is so much more than just a mere conference. While we pride ourselves on featuring the most engaging speakers, exciting topics, and in-depth content, the thing that sets PodfestExpo event apart from all others is the tight-knit community we’ve been building since 2013. You don’t just attend a Podfest event – you become part of the Podfest family.

 Whether you’re new to podcasting or a veteran podcaster looking to innovate and improve your podcast, our easy-to-understand Conference Topics allow you to customize a daily agenda based on what you’re most interested in learning. No matter your skill level or experience, PodfestExpo 2023 has plenty to offer!

 I hope you can join me at the event. For information on the event, click here. As an extra benefit to listeners of this podcast, Podfest Expo is offering a discount on the registration price. Enter discount code Fox10.

 PodfestExpo 2023 is a production of Podfest Global, which is the sponsor of this podcast series.