FCPA Compliance Report

Kelly Paxton on Maximizing Your Network

Welcome to the award-winning FCPA Compliance Report, the longest-running podcast in compliance. In this episode, I am joined by Kelly Paxton, a certified fraud examiner who has worked in the anti-corruption space for years. In our conversation, Kelly talks about the importance of networking and how women are often underestimated in the field. She is a proponent of the Certified Fraud Examiner designation and emphasizes the need to foster a brand for yourself. She also encourages listeners to remember that good people can make bad choices and to take an interest in the stories behind fraud cases. Kelly talks about her passion for defense work and delves into the nuances of different types of offenders. Her wisdom and insight make her an invaluable guest on the podcast.

 Key Highlights

Networking at National Industry Events for Fraud Examiners [00:04:34]

The Importance of Encouraging Women in Fraud Risk Management [00:08:17]

The Benefits of Becoming a Certified Fraud Examiner [00:11:55]

The Consequences of Choosing to Commit Fraud [00:19:51]

Breaking Through Stereotypes: Exploring Unconventional Life Experiences [00:24:04]

The Value of Defense Work [00:27:59]

 Notable Quotes

1.      “At the end of the day, the business owners are the ones who have the assets that are getting stolen.”

2.      “We have this thing called the optimism bias. We don’t think bad things will happen to us. Even more so, we don’t think bad things will happen to us compared to thinking good things will happen to us. We hire people. We know I can trust. So why would they steal?”

3.      “Don’t look at it as a cost center. Give the fraud professionals the ability to keep training in networking.”

4.     “The genius of LinkedIn is you meet the person, you send the invitation, you meet the person, and a couple of years down the road, you’re like that person pops up again. And you go back in your messages and remember, oh, yeah. I saw them there. I connected there.”

 Episode Links


Kelly Paxton on LinkedIn

Connect with Tom Fox on LinkedIn

Great Women in Compliance

Kelly Paxton and the Great Women in Fraud Podcast

Welcome to the Great Women in Compliance Podcast, co-hosted by Lisa Fine and Mary Shirley.
Today’s episode is a joint episode of the “Great Women in Compliance” and “Great Women in Fraud” podcasts.  Lisa speaks with Kelly Paxton, who is a Certified Fraud Examiner, investigator, teacher and a well-known expert on “pink collar crime.”
Lisa and Kelly discuss what makes a “Great Woman in” Compliance and Fraud, and is there a crossover between the two professions.  They focus on the importance of mentors, removing barriers and what challenges are unique to our gender, professor, either or both.
The talk about how someone in an organization who is less senior, but very experienced employees can be very susceptible to the fraud triangle.  They also discuss the human decisions that impact fraud and compliance, and what they wish they knew earlier and the reminder that #whistleblowersareheroes.
We hope that you enjoy this episode and you can hear it here and we hope you visit the Great Women in Fraud website at
The Great Women in Compliance Podcast is on the Compliance Podcast Network with a selection of other Compliance related offerings to listen in to.  If you are enjoying this episode, please rate it on your preferred podcast player to help other likeminded Ethics and Compliance professionals find it.  You can also find the GWIC podcast on Corporate Compliance Insights where Lisa and Mary have a landing page with additional information about them and the story of the podcast.  Corporate Compliance Insights is a much-appreciated sponsor and supporter of GWIC, including affiliate organization CCI Press publishing the related book; “Sending the Elevator Back Down, What We’ve Learned from Great Women in Compliance” (CCI Press, 2020).
Join the Great Women in Compliance community on LinkedIn here.

Great Women in Compliance

Kelly Paxton on Pink Collar Crime

Welcome to the Great Women in Compliance Podcast, co-hosted by Lisa Fine and Mary Shirley.
Compliance Officers are often generalists who dabble in fraud investigations from time to time when they crop up. So we invited Kelly Paxton who gets right in the weeds on fraud as her day job to help enlighten Compliance Officers more on the subject and share her fascinating stories on Pink Collar Crime. Did you know that there are some typical characteristics frequently found when women commit fraud or embezzle from organizations?  We discuss some of the commonalities, one of which indicates that the glass ceiling is pervasive even in misconduct!  Kelly explains Pink Collar Crime (spoiler alert, you don’t need to be a woman to commit pink collar crime, but many women do) and we discuss a couple of red flags that can indicate fraudulent behavior that Compliance Officers and investigators should be on the lookout for.
Lisa and Mary invite listeners to send in their essays on efforts to promote diversity and inclusion, a tribute to a mentor, productivity hacks or any of the other topics by July 1, 2020. Only one week to go before submissions close so get them in now!
Join the Great Women in Compliance community on LinkedIn here.