Investing in the Future

Investing in the Future – Episode 3 – Wynita Yancy

How do small towns and rural counties invest in their future? Tom Fox and Andrew Gay explore this topic in their new podcast series Investing in the Future – Developing Leadership in Kerr County. Leadership Kerr County is the premier leadership program in the Hill Country which enables men and women to learn more about the issues and topics that face Kerrville, Kerr County, and the Hill Country daily; everything from education and social services to economic development and health care. Kerr County has decided to invest in its citizens to create future leaders and lay a foundation for their future involvement in the leadership of Kerrville and Kerr County. This podcast is produced and hosted by the Texas Hill Country Podcast Network.

In our 3rd episode, we chat with Wynita Yancy, a current class participant in Leadership Kerr County. Wynita is currently the Director of Marketing and Community Relations at The Hill Country Youth Ranch just outside Kerrville, Texas. Wynita is originally from Chicago and has been here in the Texas Hill Country just over a year now and takes great pride in the impactful work she is doing here for The Hill Country Youth Ranch, the kids’ lives they serve, and in our local community.

Highlights include:

-What led Wynita to find and apply to Leadership Kerr County?

-As a current class participant, what has been a standout experience thus far?

-What impact has the class had on her so far?

-In her perspective, what’s the difference between being involved in a community like Kerr County versus a larger community where she was involved previously (Chicago)?


Wynita Yancy on LinkedIn

Andrew Gay on LinkedIn

Tom Fox on LinkedIn

For information on The Hill Country Youth Ranch, go here

Kerrville Weekly News Roundup

Kerrville Weekly News Roundup: February 18, 2023

Welcome to the Kerrville Weekly News Roundup. Each week, veteran podcaster Tom Fox and his colleagues Andrew Gay and Gilbert Paiz get together to go over a couple of their favorite stories from the past week from Kerrville and the greater Hill Country. Sit back, enjoy a cup of morning coffee and listen in to get a wrap up of the Kerrville Weekly News. We each consider two of our favorite stories and talk about the upcoming weekend’s events which will enjoy or participate in this weekend.

In this episode, Tom, Gilbert and Andrew discuss the following stories which caught their attention over the past week.

·      Tom talks about the claims of car thefts near the Riverwalk and the possible sale of the old Cowboy Steakhouse location to HEB.

·      Gilbert Paiz talks about the demolition of the former Middle School campus buildings and the possible businesses which might move in. He also discusses the upcoming lunch workshop on why businesses need to consider adding a podcast to their marketing initiatives.

·      Andrew talks about the Kerrville Star Gazing party and the Dark Skies initiative. He also discusses a new micor-brewery coming to Kerrville .


Tom Fox on LinkedIn

Gilbert Paiz on LinkedIn

Andrew Gay on LinkedIn

Texas Hill Country Podcast Network

Why Your Business Needs a Podcast, lunch workshop, March 3

Investing in the Future

Investing in the Future – Episode 2 – Drew Paxton

How do small towns and rural counties invest in their future? Tom Fox and Andrew Gay explore this topic in their new podcast series Investing in the Future – Developing Leadership in Kerr County. Leadership Kerr County is the premier leadership program in the Hill Country which enables men and women to learn more about the issues and topics that face Kerrville, Kerr County, and the Hill Country on a daily basis; everything from education and social services to economic development and health care. Kerr County has decided to invest in its citizens to create future leaders and lay a foundation for their future involvement in the leadership of Kerrville and Kerr County. This podcast is produced and hosted by the Texas Hill Country Podcast Network.

In our second episode, we are joined by Drew Paxton, who currently occupies one of the leadership Kerr County Steering Committee seats. Drew currently works as the Director of Planning and Development for The City of Kerrville. He was also a former class participant of Leadership Kerr County.

Highlights include:

-How did Drew find LKC, and what led him to apply to the program?

-How has LKC shaped his view of The City of Kerrville?

-His perspective of the Kerrville 2050 Plan.

-What was his perspective on the future of Kerrville as The City makes an effort to invest in itself?


Drew Paxton on LinkedIn

Andrew Gay on LinkedIn

Tom Fox on LinkedIn

For more information on Leadership Kerr County, click here.

The Night Sky

Ben Locwin – Eclipse Basics

Welcome to The Night Sky: A Podcast on the Eclipses Comes to Kerrville, a podcast that celebrates that for two days over the next 18 months, Kerrville, TX, will be the Eclipse Capitol of the World. This podcast, hosted by Andrew Gay and Tom Fox, will celebrate these two eclipses and discuss how the town of Kerrville will prepare for an influx of a quarter million (or more) visitors. This podcast is hosted by the Texas Hill Country Podcast Network.

In this inaugural episode, Andrew and Tom visit with Ben Locwin, who holds a Ph.D. in AstroPhysics and has long loved the stars in the heavens. Ben describes the wonder and awe he found looking into the night skies as a young boy, and he explains the two different types of eclipses which will pass through Kerrville and how to view them best.

Highlights include:

·       What is a solar eclipse? How often do they occur? What is their significance?

·       What is an annular eclipse?

·      What is a total eclipse?

·       The best way to watch an eclipse?

·       Will the sensation of a total eclipse be more than visual?

·       Why are you looking forward to it?

·      If someone wanted to read up on these eclipses, what books might you suggest?


Ben Locwin on LinkedIn

Andrew Gay on LinkedIn

Tom Fox on LinkedIn

Kerrville Weekly News Roundup

Kerrville Weekly News Roundup: February 11, 2023

Welcome to the Kerrville Weekly News Roundup. Each week, veteran podcaster Tom Fox and his colleagues Andrew Gay and Gilbert Paiz get together to go over a couple of their favorite stories from the past week from Kerrville and the greater Hill Country. Sit back, enjoy a cup of morning coffee and listen in to get a wrap up of the Kerrville Weekly News. We each consider two of our favorite stories and talk about the upcoming weekend’s events which will enjoy or participate in this weekend.

In this inaugural episode, Tom, Gilbert and Andrew discuss the following stories which caught their attention over the past week.

·      Tom talks about the Kerrville Police Department’s new body cameras and the Kerr County call for volunteer to assist in emergency services. He talks about the weekend ‘Friends of the Library’ book sale at the Butterworth- Library.

·      Gilbert Paiz talks about the upcoming Kerrville City Council election and the new bank coming to Kerrville. Gilbert hopes to enjoy some nice sunshine with yard work this weekend.

·      Andrew talks about the Kerrville School Board election and the number of lawsuits filed in Kerr County District Court. Andrew is looking forward to the concert at RoddyTree Ranch this weekend.

The Hill Country Podcast

Judy Miller of Outback Patio Furniture

Welcome to the award-winning The Hill Country Podcast. The Texas Hill Country is one of the most beautiful places on earth. In this podcast, Hill Country resident Tom Fox visits the people and organizations that make these the most unique areas of Texas. Join Tom as he explores the people, places, and activities of the Texas Hill Country. In this episode, I visit Judy Miller, President of Outback Patio Furniture, which has stores in Kerrville and Marble Falls. Miller talks about growing up and living in the northern part of the Hill Country, how she and her husband came to found Outback Patio Furniture with their first store in Marble Falls, the opening of the second store in Kerrville, and the differences in lifestyles in different parts of the Hill Country.


Outback Patio Furniture

The Hill Country Podcast

Louis Amestoy on Kerrville Elections

Welcome to The Hill Country Podcast. The Texas Hill Country is one of the most beautiful places on earth. In this podcast, Hill Country resident Tom Fox visits with the people and organizations that make this the most unique areas of Texas. Join Tom as he explores the people, places and their activities of the Texas Hill Country. In this episode, I visit Louis Amestoy, EIC of the The Lead, an online local news show in Kerrville. We discuss the recent Kerrville city and country elections.

 The Lead