Diabetes: The Metabolic Bully

Diabetes: The Metabolic Bully – Introduction to Podcast

Welcome to “Diabetes: The Metabolic Bully,” where we delve deep into the world of one of the most prevalent chronic conditions that lurks in our society. Diabetes doesn’t just knock on our doors; it bullies its way into our lives, altering our metabolism and dictating our daily routines.

In each episode, we aim to unpack the science and myths surrounding diabetes. From understanding how our bodies succumb to this metabolic bully, to the latest research and treatments, our podcast aims to provide listeners with comprehensive insights.

In this inaugural episode, Dr. Byron Black, an expert in exercise science and health promotion, emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to fitness and wellness in a podcast episode with Tom Fox. He discusses his background in the Air Force, where he served as a ground radio technician and later worked as a base exercise physiologist and fitness director.

Dr. Black now runs a fitness clinic in Kerrville, Texas and advocates for a comprehensive approach to overall well-being. He also provides insights on managing diabetes through exercise and proper nutrition, highlighting the importance of seeking guidance from healthcare professionals. The episode emphasizes the interconnectedness of various aspects of health and the need for collaboration among professionals in providing comprehensive care.

Join us as we confront diabetes head-on, empowering ourselves with knowledge, compassion, and resilience. Whether you’re newly diagnosed, a long-time warrior, or simply someone keen to learn, this podcast is your go-to guide in the vast world of blood sugars, insulin, diet, and beyond. Together, we’ll stand up to diabetes, the metabolic bully that has picked on too many for too long.

Key Highlights

·      Academic and Professional Background

·      Fitness and Holistic Wellness

·      The Impact of Diabetes

·      Diabetes and Fitness


Medical Fitness Clinic of Kerrville