This Week in FCPA

Episode 188 – the Say it Ain’t So edition

Jay and I are back to consider some of the top compliance articles and stories which caught our eye this week. Of course, we look into the MLB sign-stealing scandal which has embroiled the Houston Astros, may embroil the Boston Red Sox and let to the Mets firing their newest manager before he managed one game.

  1. MLB lays down the hammer on the Astros. Are the Red Sox next? Tom’s multipart series, Part 1, Part 2and Part 3. His cognitive dissonance is explored in the FCPA Blog.
  2. Mike Volkov says its time to move from reactive to proactive compliance, in a 3-part series on Corrruption Crime and Compliance. Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3
  3. What do DOJ changes mean for the compliance practitioner? Jay explores in his CCI
  4. What is the SEC Enforcement Network? Verity Winship explains in NYU’s Compliance and Enforcement Blog.
  5. Will the Fraud Section now refocus on commodities trading cases? Aitan Goelman in NYU’s Compliance and Enforcement Blog.
  6. What are Red Flags? Gini Dietrich explains in Spin Sucks. Harry Cassin says look out for expensive watches, in the FCPA Blog.
  7. Corporate governance and behavioral ethics, all in the Harvard Law Review on Corporate Governance.
  8. The trouble with transparency. Vera Cherepanova explains in the FCPA Blog.
  9. How Queen informs your compliance program (Hint: Pressure). Matt Kelly, the coolest guy in compliance in Radical Compliance.
  10. On the Compliance Podcast Network, Tom continues his 31 Days to a More Effective Compliance Program series.This week saw the following offerings: Day 13 reviews institutional justice ; Day 14considers risk assessments; Day 15 looks at evaluating a risk assessment; Day 16 details the 3rd party risk management process; Day 17 explains how to manage a 3rd Note 31 Days to a More Effective Compliance Program now has its own iTunes channel. If you want to binge out and listen to only these episodes, click here.

Tom Fox is the Compliance Evangelist and can be reached at Jay Rosen is Mr. Monitor and can be reached at