Because That's What Heroes Do

Because That’s What Heroes Do: Deep Space 9 – Episode 2: Move Along Home

Get ready for an exciting new season of Because That’s What Heroes Do. In this season, they take a deep dive into their favorite 15 episodes of Deep Space 9.

In this exploration, they are joined by DS9 maven Alex Murphy, who lives in Montreal, Quebec, where he’s been a cook, baker, and general kitchen grunt for twenty-some odd years. Off duty, he is a local historian, cinema, and TV fan with a love for weird foreign films, all things horror, and obscure media. He has been watching Trek since he was a tiny punk, and it’s been a lifelong love.

Don’t miss out on the exciting new season of Because That’s What Heroes Do! We continue our exploration of DS9 with a review of the 9th show from the first season, Move Along Home.

Character development is a critical aspect that breathes life into the personas on the small screen, allowing audiences to form a deeper connection with the characters’ journeys and evolutions.

Megan, Tom, and Alex all share an appreciation for this intricate process, as seen in episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

Dougherty, having a penchant for character-driven narratives, revels in the in-depth exploration of characters and relationships, attributing this richness to longer television series. Similarly, Fox emphasizes the significance of longer seasons for leisurely, character-centric episodes to fully convey growth and evolution. Murphy, on the other hand, finds delight in the subtle interactions and revelations of the characters, using these minute details to gauge their complexity and depth.

Their perspectives, although distinct, are shaped by their shared intrigue for the multifaceted nature of character development.



  • Character Development and Aesthetics in Deep Space Nine
  • Transformation and Growth in DS9
  • Assertive Constable Odo
  • Evolution of the Characters in several Star Trek Series
  • Evolution of Fatherhood in Star Trek Families


Megan Dougherty


One Stone Creative





