Great Women in Compliance

Mary Shirley, Original GWIC

Welcome to the Great Women in Compliance Podcast, co-hosted by Lisa Fine and Mary Shirley.
There is a lot to reflect on as we end 2020, and with all of the challenges of the year, it has been a landmark one for the Great Women in Compliance podcast and now the book. When reflecting on the final podcast for 2020, Lisa wanted to do something to commemorate this – and realized that she had never interviewed the person who she sees as the original GWIC, Mary. So, here is a discussion with Mary about things that are important to her, starting with her experience in 2020 both personally and professionally.
Mary has started a new role at Fresenius – Head of Culture of Integrity and Compliance Education, and she talks about what this means to her and her goals and objectives for this new opportunity, and her 2021 planning and whether it was impacted by the events of 2020.
Lastly, for anyone who knows Mary, she likes to be prepared for everything. So Lisa decided to turn that on its head and give her what they called a “lightning round” where Mary had no idea what questions Lisa would be asking and called for quick answers.
We hope you enjoy this last episode of 2020 and GWIC will be back in 2021.
Have you heard that the Great Women in Compliance Book, Sending the Elevator down is now available in an electronic version? Head to Amazon to get your copy today!
If you’ve already read the booked and liked it, will you help out other women to make the decision to leverage off the tips and advice given by rating the book and giving it a glowing review on Amazon?
As always we’re so grateful for all of your support and if you have any feedback or suggestions for our 2021 line up, or would just like to reach out and say hello, we always welcome hearing from our listeners.
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