This Week in FCPA

Episode 224 – the White Supremacist edition

As President Trump fumbles through the worst performance ever in a Presidential debate, the NBA Finals and MLB Playoffs are here. Tom and Jay are back to look at top compliance articles and stories which caught their eye this week.

  1.  Sara Kropf admitted to American College of Trial Lawyers. On how she became a lawyer in Grand Jury Target.
  2. Calling a bribe a facilitation payment doesn’t make it legal. Dick Cassin explains in the FCPA Blog.
  3. Tom takes a deep dive into the Sargeant Marine FCPA enforcement action. Part 1-Intro, Part 2-the Enforcement Action, Part 3-the Penalty, Part 4-the Individual Guilty Pleas, and Part 5-Lessons Learned.
  4. Compliance risk around collaboration tools. Matt Kelly in Radical Compliance. Tom and Matt take a deep dive in Compliance into the Weeds.
  5. Can VW change its culture? Mengqi Sun and Jack Hagel in the WSJ Risk and Compliance Journal.
  6. Is your company (and you as well) ready for the future. Jim DeLoach on how to do so in CCI.
  7. NYC Bar releases recommendation on CCO liability in regulated industries. NYU Compliance and Enforcement Blog.
  8. Jonathan Marks asks “Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes”? In his Board and Fraud blog.
  9. This month on The Compliance Life, I am joined by DeAnna Nwankwo. In this week’s Part 4, DeAnna talks about standing your ground when you have to do so as a CCO.
  10. On the Compliance Podcast Network, on 31 Days to a More Effective Compliance Program, we conclude this month focuses on internal controls. This week saw the following offerings: Monday– Aseessing internal controls; Tuesday– Gap Analysis; Wednesday– Culture as an internal control. Join us in October for Business Ventures. Note 31 Days to a More Effective Compliance Program now has its own iTunes channel. If you want to binge out and listen to only these episodes, click here.
  11. Join Jay and Tom at Converge20. Convercent’s top compliance conference is going virtual this year. Check at the agenda and register here.

Tom Fox is the Compliance Evangelist and can be reached at Jay Rosen is Mr. Monitor and can be reached at