Career Can D0

Once Upon Your Time with Susan Meier


In this episode of Career Can Do, Mary Ann Faremouth chats with Susan Meier, who has been helping Fortune 500 companies create distinctive messaging for over 20 years. Susan is a brand expert and career coach, and she’s on a mission to empower professional women and companies to maximize their contribution to the new work world. Susan discusses how to craft your story, and shares tips for women in a transitional position.



Rather than a straight line, many of us have had more of a zigzag path in the careers we’ve had – especially those of us who are very curious and accomplished. This makes our stories harder to tell when we’re trying to put together a resume, LinkedIn page, or even trying to introduce ourselves at a networking event. Susan helps people and companies untangle their stories and find the clear shiny thread. 


In the process of crafting your story and making sense of where you’ve been, it also helps you make sense of where you want to go. Some people have an idea of the paths they want to take, but others are still unsure, toying with so many options but no framework to figure out which ones work for them. Susan provides that framework to help them figure it out.



Susan on the web | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn