Greetings and Felicitations

Aly McDevitt on Ransomware Case Study, Part 2

Welcome to the Greetings and Felicitations, a podcast where I explore topics which might not seem to be directly related to compliance but clearly influence our profession. In this episode, we conclude a two-part series with Aly McDevitt, Data & Research Journalist at Compliance Week. We take a deep dive into her recent series case study on a ransomware attack on a fictional company. Highlights include:

·      Who are hackers? What is a cyber incident response playbook and how does each person handle their roles in the event of a ransomware attack?
·      How and when should stakeholders be notified? Who and what type of notification should be made?
·      What goes into the decision to pay? What are the pros and cons of each path?
·      What are some key lessons for companies from the story?
·      A hint of what Aly may have in store for future articles and series.
Ransomware case study in Compliance Week
Aly McDevitt

Greetings and Felicitations

Aly McDevitt on Ransomware Case Study, Part 1

Welcome to the Greetings and Felicitations, a podcast where I explore topics which might not seem to be directly related to compliance but clearly influence our profession. In this episode, we begin a two-part series with Aly McDevitt, Data & Research Journalist at Compliance Week. We take a deep dive into her series case study on a ransomware attack on a fictional company. Highlights include:

·      Why this subject matter for a deep dive?
·      The research that went into the piece. How many people interviewed and how long was the research process?
·      Writing style. Locked yourself in a room and not come out until its done or more collaborative process with an editor?
·      Story Synopsis- how common is Betty’s mistake?
·      What is the role of the CIRT and MSSP? How critical was VE’s preparation to its ability to respond?
Ransomware case study in Compliance Week
Aly McDevitt