FCPA Compliance Report

Claire Worledge on Data Analytic Secrets

In this episode of the FCPA Compliance Report I visit with Claire Worledge. Claire is an internal auditor by professional training. She is the author of Data Analytic Secrets. We visit about her book and her work to bring greater visibility to data analytics to the internal audit profession and the wider compliance profession. Some of the highlights include:
What is data visualization?
What do you see as the role of data analytics in internal audit?
Why Claire wrote Data Analytic Secrets  and the audience for the book.
How can data analytics and visualization be used in fraud prevention?
How about anti-corruption/anti-bribery programs?
How can internal audit be best used in an anti-corruption/anti-bribery program?
What is the intersection of internal audit and internal control?
Claire Worledge on LinkedIn
Aufinia website