This Week in FCPA

Episode 279 – the Happy Hanukkah Edition

Hanukkah comes early this year. As the Rosen household begins its annual celebration, Tom and Jay are back to look at some of the week’s top compliance and ethics stories this week in the Happy Hanukkah edition. 


1.     Preparing for dawn raid in the era of hybrid work? Andrew Reeves and Annie Birch in FCPA Blog.
2.     When you fight corruption, it fights back. Rick Messick in GAB.
3.     Why does Walmart want to keep an exec quiet about its compliance program? Dick Cassin explores in the FCPA Blog.
4.     Board effectiveness survey.  Paul DiNicola and Leah Malone in the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance.
5.     New OECD ABC suggestions. Nicola Bonucci and Nat Edmonds in the FCPA Blog.
6.     Graybeards and Youngbloods working together. Carrie Root in CCI.
7.     Trust in companies ‘shockingly’ low? Lawrence Heim in PracticalESG.
8.     Are senior level compliance positions becoming harder to find and fill? Matt Kelly explores in Radical Compliance.
9.     Role of PwC in Tesla/JPMorgan dispute. Francine McKenna explores in The Dig (sub req’d).
10.  How will tech change the work landscape in 2022? Check out this pod with Mrs. Monitor (AKA Rebecca Rosen) on Freshbrewed Tech. 

Podcasts and Events

11.  How can you show ROI from your internal investment in compliance? Nick and Gio Gallo join Tom Fox in the most unusual pod series, Mining the Gold in Compliance. Part 1 – ROI on Compliance. Purchase Decisions. Part 2 – Extending Compliance Value Across an Organization. Part 3 – Compliance and ESG Investments. Part 4 – Finance and Investing Models for Compliance. Part 5 – Investment Strategies for the Compliance Professional.
12.  Are you exasperated? Then check, F*ing Argentina. In this podcast series co-hosts Tom Fox and Gregg Greenberg, author of F*ing Argentina explore the current American psyche of being overworked, over leveraged, overtired and overwhelmed. Find out about modern America’s exasperation with well…exasperation. In Episode 11, a birthday party battle through text messages.
13.  In November on The Compliance Life, I visited with Wendy Badger, CCO at Tennant. In Part 1, she detailed her academic career and early professional life. In Part 2, changing ladders to advance your career. In Part 3, Wendy moved into the CCO Chair. In Part 4, Wendy talked about having courage in your career choices and compliance into the future. Next week, we begin the December series with Matt Silverman, Director of Trade Compliance at VIAVI.
14.  The Compliance Podcast Network welcomes Professor Karen Woody and her new podcast, Once Upon a Trading Law: The History of Insider Trading. In this most unique pod, Karen interviews some of her student to tell the history of insider trading. Check out Episode 1, which looks at the beginnings of insider trading.
15.  Join Tom, Mike Volkov, Carrie Penman, Dr. Pat Harned and Skip Lowney (an all-star panel if there ever was one) for the ECI webinar on the intersection of compliance and E&C programs. Wednesday, December 15, from 2-3:30 ET. Registration and information here.
Tom Fox is the Voice of Compliance and can be reached at Jay Rosen is Mr. Monitor and can be reached at