Career Can D0

The Project Management Paradigm: Exploring Possibilities with Eddie Merla

A proficient project manager plays a vital role in guiding a project to its successful completion, impacting both organizational objectives and individual lives. In this episode of Career Can Do, project management expert Eddie Merla joins Mary Ann Faremouth to share insights for anyone contemplating or currently in the field of project management. Eddie Merla is a seasoned project management  professional whose expertise extends to training and consulting. He is also the co-author of Communicate, Lead and Transform, a book which teaches effective leadership and transformation strategies. He serves as an adjunct professor at Rice University’s Susan M. Glascock School of Continuing Studies. He and Mary Ann explore the journey into project management, including the skills required, the importance of certification, and the tangible benefits this profession can bring to organizations and individuals alike.

Project management is not just about understanding the tasks at hand; it’s a more holistic approach that requires a blend of numerous skills. Eddie underscores the importance of leadership, communication, time management, creative problem-solving, and team-building skills. Moreover, he emphasizes that “project management is about managing value, not just tasks.” This implies that a good project manager should look beyond mere task completion, focusing on creating and maintaining value throughout the project’s lifecycle.


Eddie believes that certification, particularly the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification, can be a valuable stepping stone in the journey to becoming a proficient project manager. “Obtaining the certification requires experience and passing a credential exam,” he tells listeners. This certification can help individuals understand the language and processes of project management, enabling them to integrate into the role seamlessly.


Project management brings tangible benefits that extend beyond mere task execution, Eddie shares. It formalizes the process, impacts lives and organizations, and enhances the success rate of projects. Reflecting on his experiences, he suggests that project management is essentially about “weathering the storm and helping organizations achieve their goals.”



Eddie Merla on the Web | LinkedIn | Communicate, Lead and Transform